Benazepril is a drug that can be used to treat certain conditions.

Benazepril, also known by its brand name Lotensin, is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure in adults and children. The drug works by blocking certain chemicals which tighten blood vessels. This allows the blood flow to be more fluid and heart pumping to become more efficient. Benazepril is also used to lower the stroke risk in people with heart disease.

Benazepril: Uses and Benefits

Benazepril can be used to treat hypertension. It may also treat kidney disease and congestive cardiac failure. Benazepril has been shown to significantly lower systolic, diastolic, and overall blood pressure when used both in the short-term and over a long period of time. A study in the American Journal of Hypertension also found that benazepril is effective at reducing ambulatory high blood pressure.

Benazepril: What are the Benefits?

Benazepril can reduce blood pressure. Benazepril works by blocking certain chemicals that are produced in the human body. This helps relax blood vessels and improves heart function. Benazepril also reduces the stroke risk in people with heart disease.

Benazepril Side Effects

Benazepril, like all medicines, can have side effects. Most common are nausea, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness. Also, muscle cramps and weakness can occur, as well as a loss of appetite or difficulty sleeping. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these side effects persist or worsen.

Benazepril: Expert opinions

Benazepril has been deemed an effective hypertension treatment by experts. Stanford University cardiologist Dr. Johnathan Lee says "benazepril has proven effective for reducing blood-pressure, improving heart functions, and reducing stroke risk in people with heart disease."

Benazepril: How To Get Started

It is important that you speak with your doctor before taking benazepril. Your doctor can determine whether benazepril will work for you, and recommend the appropriate dosage. Adults usually start with 10 mg taken daily, once a day. Your doctor can increase your dose to up to 40mg per day if necessary. Benazepril comes in tablet form. It should be taken along with water.


Benazepril can be used to treat high blood pressure. The drug works by blocking certain chemical actions in the body. This helps improve blood circulation and relaxes the vessels. Benazepril also reduces the stroke risk in people with heart disease. It is best to consult your doctor prior to taking benazepril, as the drug can have side effects. Benazepril is an effective hypertension treatment when administered correctly and monitored. .