Mend The Marriage Review: Does it Work? Can It Really Save Your Marriage?

Mend The Marriage is an online program that serves as your virtual relationship coach, guiding you towards saving your marriage and stopping divorce. With this program, you learn how to tackle any issues, big or small, in a way that’s healthy and respectful. Even if your partner isn’t currently on board with saving the marriage, the things you learn in this program can completely change the path that you’re currently heading on. You don’t even need to have your partner involved with the process because this program is all about you becoming the happiest, healthiest, and most confident version of yourself. By following the advice and techniques provided to you, you’ll be able to inject a fresh vibe into your relationship and change the trajectory of your relationship.

Mend The Marriage provides you with expert advice and professional guidance along the way, allowing you to work on your marriage from the comfort of your own home. And hey, you have a two-month trial period to see if it works for your situation, so why not give it a shot?

Mend The Marriage Review

What is Mend The Marriage About?

It might sound strange to try to save your marriage on your own, but it’s certainly possible. Mend The Marriage is an online program designed for people who are trying to save their marriage after their partner has expressed that they are no longer happy. It’s a comprehensive program that guides you towards becoming a more confident, respectful, and happy person, and infusing your relationship with these same new, fresh and positive vibes.

Just think about it like this: the marriage has run dry; things are stagnant, boring and same ole but then one day, you walk in as this new, totally transformed person. Immediately, it sparks some interest from your partner and your positive mood starts to rub off on them and ultimately, your relationship. That’s how Mend The Marriage works – in a nut shell. It’s all focusing on YOU and becoming the best, happiest version of yourself and not just for the time being but at the core of your being.

But how? Well, Mend The Marriage acts like your own personal relationship coach. It’s filled with professional guidance and coaching that helps you make positive changes that will have a rippling effect into your relationship. The approach is quite simple, consisting of a unique method called ‘The ACBD System’. This stands for: Accept, Build resilience, Commit to change, Dedicate yourself to the task, and the creator of this program claims it to be the secret sauce to addressing all kinds of relationship problems.

In addition to the professional relationship coaching and counseling you receive, Mend The Marriage also sets you up with practical steps and team-building worksheets to turn newfound knowledge into action. Plus, there are optional upgrades if you need some extra resources:

  • Platinum Package: 6 extra marriage-saving eBooks and author’s email coaching
  • Gold Package: 6 additional marriage-saving eBooks
  • Silver Package: 4 bonus marriage-saving eBooks

These are optional and you can certainly just stick with the program as it is and still save your marriage.

Now, if you’re worried about a package arriving in the mail, you’ll be happy to know that the program is digital. This allows you to access the content online and download it to your own personal tech devices for private use at your leisure.

And even if you’re convinced that your marriage is so far beyond the point of repair, you have nothing to lose by giving this program a try as it comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. At the very least, you’ll walk away being the happiest, most confident version of yourself.

mend the marriage download page
This is what the download page for the program looks like.
This is how and where you will access the program’s materials.

Who Created The Program?

Brad Browning is a highly sought after relationship coach and divorce specialist who has helped hundreds of couples’ repair and rejuvenate their relationship. His expertise is on breakups, divorces, relationship dynamics, and conflict resolution, making him a go-to expert for navigating all types of concerns and situations.

Brad’s approach to repairing relationships has gained all kinds of attention and he has even been featured reputable platforms like YourTango,, Vice Media, and

Overview of The Program

Mend The Marriage is a transformative 6-part program designed to stop divorce and rescue your marriage through positive behavioral and mindset shifts. It’s a comprehensive system that doesn’t necessarily focus on repairing the relationship but rather, helping you become your happiest, healthiest self and letting that revitalize your relationship and spark attraction from your partner. It can be used by both men and women too.

Within the program, you receive professional relationship and marriage coaching that guides you through the process of addressing and repairing marital problems in this unique way. It comes with all kinds of professional marriage advice and guidance, which can be found in a main manual, audiobook and videos. It also includes worksheets that helps you apply the information to your specific situations.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect from each part:

  • Introduction
  • Section One: You Can Mend This Marriage On Your Own
    • Here’s Where We Are
    • How Did We Get Here?
    • Where Can We Go from Here?
    • Doing It Alone
      • Getting Your Spouse to Re-Commit to Marriage

In the first section, you learn the foundational steps of the program and how to use it to save your marriage. It guides you through understanding the landscape of your marriage, the issues that have led the relationship to where it is today, and how to repair things from here on out.

It also includes an ‘Ask The Counselor’ section, where a licensed counselor provides expert responses to specific questions asked by others using the program.

  • Section Two: Introducing the ABCD System
    • Accept the Situation
      • Inner Qualities That Will Help You to Accept the Situation
      • Developing Your Inner Qualities
    • Build Resilience
      • Inner Qualities That Will Help You to Build Resilience
      • Building Emotional Resilience
      • Building Physical Resilience
        • Immediate Impact Action #1
      • Building Mental Resilience
        • Immediate Impact Action #2

In second two, you learn the beginning stages of the ABCD system, specifically the “Accept” and “Build resilience” stages. Not only does this part of the program teach you the details of these steps, but it also offers you practical tools to navigate challenges in your marriage by tapping into your own strength and confidence. You also learn how to stay calm during difficult times, so you can handle situations in a more healthy, productive way. 

  • Section Three: Stop Fighting With Your Spouse and Start Fighting For Your Spouse
    • Three Stages of a Relationship
    • Family Systems Theory
    • Commit to Change
      • Immediate Impact Action #3
    • Take Care of Your Connection Account
      • Big Six Bond Builders
      • Immediate Impact Action #4
    • Say It So You’re Understood
      • Immediate Impact Action #5

In section three, you learn how to deal with issues together with your partner, instead of fighting against one another in the face of adversity. It helps you navigate through difficult situations and arguments in a healthy way, ensuring that every disagreement becomes a stepping stone toward a stronger, more resilient relationship.

This is also where you learn the “C” part of the program: Commit to change, complete with actionable steps called “the big six bond builders” you can take to start rebuilding your relationship.

  • Section Four: Dedicate Yourself to The Task
    • Think It Through
      • Immediate Impact Action #6
    • Find Your Role
      • Immediate Impact Action #7
    • Assess Your Connection Account
      • Immediate Impact Action #8
      • Credit vs. Debit Behaviors
    • Make Changes
      • How This Impacts Genders
    • A Note About Changing Your Mind

The fourth section is where you learn the final step of the ABCD method: Dedicate yourself to the task. It guides you towards keeping up with the changes you’ve made within yourself and the relationship to start repairing your marriage. This section also includes plenty of expert techniques and advice that will help you identify parts of your relationship that need to be worked on – and how to navigate them in a healthy way.

  • Section Five: Special Considerations
    • Managing Anger
      • The Dispute Defusing System
    • Sex and Intimacy
    • Affairs and Infidelity
      • Recovering From An Affair
    • Mental Health and Addictions
    • Abuse
      • Are You Being Abused?
    • Children

Now that you have learned the ABCD method, section five taps into more complicated issues and emotions. These are the topics that many might prefer to sweep under the rug, but that can be detrimental overtime. As such, you’ll be guided with knowledge and tools to help you face these issues head on, in a safe, healthy manner. If the topics in this section don’t apply to you, feel free to skip over this section.

  • Section Six: Your Happy Future

The last section of the program is a quick refresher course. It offers a concise recap, reminding you of the key elements to carry forward as you work towards repairing your marriage. It also includes a little checklist that highlights some simple yet important actions to sustain the health and happiness of your relationship.  

Mend The Marriage Table of Contents
The table of contents for the PDF.

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program teaches you a simple, 6-section method that is easy-to-follow and implement into your daily life and relationship.
  • Aims to help you become the best version of yourself, and allowing that positivity to extend into your marriage.
  • Learn powerful methods and techniques for navigating difficult times in your marriage in a healthy way.
  • Receive professional marriage guidance and counseling for a fraction of the cost of in-person sessions.
  • Designed to address all marital issues – even the ones that are often swept under the rug.
  • Can be used even if your partner isn’t currently on board with repairing the marriage.
  • Created for both men and women.
  • Includes interactive worksheets that allow you to implement the things you’ve learned.
  • Digital version allows you to access the program online, without having a tell-all package arrive in the mail.
  • Can download the guide onto your preferred tech devices for private use in the comfort of your own home.
  • Access personal coaching for additional support and information for your unique situation.
  • Upgrades are available for extra resources on repairing your marriage.
  • Comes with a risk-free two-month trial period with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantage of the Program

Mend The Marriage does not come in a printed version. The guide is digital, which can be accessed online and even downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for discrete, private use at your own leisure. If you would like a hardcopy, you can always print off the guide from home.


Mend the Marriage is your guide to becoming the happiest, most confident and positive version of yourself and allowing those good vibes to flow into to all parts of your relationship. This program uses a unique approach that is all about YOU, with a proven theory that if you spark new energy within yourself, you can do the same within your marriage. It follows a unique “ABCD” method that focuses on acceptance, building resilience, committing to change and dedicating yourself to the task. It can be used by both men and women, and even comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can see how it works for rescuing your own marriage. So, even if you think your relationship is beyond the point of repair, you have nothing to lose by giving it one last shot with this program.

Download Mend The Marriage PDF

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of marriages and issues does this program address?

Mend The Marriage is a versatile program, designed to work for all marriages regardless of the issues you’re dealing with. Whether it’s infidelity, mental health, addiction, abuse, or simply drifting apart, this program helps you learn how to navigate all situations and repair your marriage, even if your partner isn’t currently on board.

Can I use this program if I’m the one who ruined in the marriage?

Of course. The program is created for anyone facing divorce, regardless of the issues or person initiating it. It focuses on personal improvement, boosting happiness and confidence to not only repair what has been broken but to also naturally attract your partner.

Is personal consultation or coaching available with the author?

Upon purchase, you have the option to do some upgrades and receive exclusive benefits, including personal coaching from Brad Browning and six advanced modules. This premium package, accessible on the downloads page, includes:

• Personal coaching
• Dealing with Anger and Resentment in Your Marriage Guide
• Saving Your Marriage from Extreme Crisis Guide
• The Most common Reason for Divorce: Dissected Guide
• Making Your Spouse Sexually Addicted to You Guide
• Great Expectations: What History Can Tell Us About Modern Marriage Guide
• Speaking the Language of Love: The Five Languages of Love Guide

There’s also a gold and silver package option. However, they do not include personal coaching with Brad.

Can I get advice from Brad in any other way?

If you have specific concerns, questions, or want personalized advice for your situation, you can use the “Seeking Brad’s Advice” section on the contact page. Here, you can send a message about your marriage, and you can expect a response within 24 hours or less.

seeking brad's advice

Is there any way or store to get a printed hardcopy?

The program is sold exclusively in digital format on the official website. As such, you won’t be able to find a physical hardcopy in a store. You can, however, print off the guide from home to serve as your own personal hardcopy.


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(as of 22nd October 2024)