The Prostate Protocol Review: Finding Out If It Works

The Prostate Protocol is an online program designed to help men treat their symptoms and eliminate potential risks linked to an enlarged prostate right from home. Whether you’re dealing with a blocked urine flow, difficulty peeing, a weak stream, or a frequent and urgent need to go, it’s time to get to the root of the problem to eliminate them for good. But what is the root? Well, you may be dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia or what is often referred to as an enlarged prostate. Studies show that around 50% of men aged 51 to 60, and a significant 90% of those over 80, have benign prostatic hyperplasia. Needless to say, it’s a common issue but one that shouldn’t be overlooked.

The Prostate Protocol provides you with a simple yet effective healing plan that allows you to quickly and permanently treat these symptoms by getting to the root source of them. It’s highly based on clinical studies that have found a strong connection between enlarged prostate and unhealthy lifestyle habits and diet. So, if you’re ready to make a few adjustments in your diet and lifestyle to restore your prostate health, this program has you covered.

The Prostate Protocol Review

What is The Prostate Protocol About?

Clinical evidence shows that many of those symptoms you’re experiencing are actually being triggered by your diet and lifestyle. But where do you start? Right here. 

The Prostate Protocol is an online program that provides you with a detailed guide on how to naturally alleviating your symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate to restore your prostate health. It aims to tackle the symptoms at the root source for quick and long-term relief.

It’s a comprehensive program, divided into four parts, complete with all the essential information and natural remedies needed to thoroughly understand your condition, its risks, causes, and most importantly, how to heal it.

The Prostate Protocol is highly based on studies that have found a strong link between BPH and unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits. As such, it guides you through the process of making simple, practical and sustainable adjustments that help to remove these triggers. For example, it’s largely focused around getting proper nutrition into your day by eating more delicious wholefoods. It also comes with valuable information and steps for making additional healthy lifestyle choices to eliminate all potential factors causing an enlarged prostate.

All of the healthy suggestions are then put into a step-by-step treatment plan for you, complete with support valuable tips, expert advice, and resources such as gentle detox routines, recipes, food lists, supplement dosage recommendations, exercise suggestions, and more. This is to ensure you can quickly learn and implement the regime without any added stress.

The entire program is digital as well, ensuring quick access online as soon as you purchase. The Prostate Protocol can be downloaded onto your personal tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, for use anytime and anywhere. And not only is it backed by clinical studies; it also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, giving you two months, risk-free, to see how it positively impacts your BPH.

The Prostate Protocol Download Page
A preview of the program’s download page.
This is how and where you will access the program’s materials.

Who Created The Program?

The creator of The Prostate Protocol is globally recognized natural health expert and researcher, Scott Davis. Scott is renowned for his contributions to medical reports and articles that guide people in healing their health conditions naturally. He is also a frequent guest speaker at various natural health events, and is the author of many other successful health programs.

Overview of The Program

The Prostate Protocol is your go-to guide for learning how to naturally, effectively, and permanently treat an enlarged prostate (BPH). The program comes with all the information, tools, remedies and advice needed to understand BPH, its risks, the causes, the clinical evidence and the healing process. All of this is put into one, easy-to-follow guide that is conveniently divided into four parts. Each part of the program focuses on a specific category of topics, covering the specifics of BPH, natural solutions and an actionable plan that ties everything together. Within these parts, you’ll find an abundance of expert advice and knowledge, as well as food lists, recipes, step-by-step instructions, supplement recommendations and more.

It’s recommended to follow the program part-by-part to ensure you get the most out of the program. What does that entail, you ask? Let’s take a look:

Part 1: BPH Overview

  • ·Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: An Introduction to Irate Internal Plumbing
    • Basic Prostate Function and Anatomy
    • Prostatic Hyperplasia, Enlargement or Luts: Where Do You Stand?
    • BPH Symptoms at a Glance
    • Common Causes of Prostatic Overgrowth
    • Risk Factor Summary
  • Diagnostic Tools
    • Initial Diagnosis: Physical Check-Ups, Signs and Symptoms
    • Confirming BPH: Advanced Testing and Lab Analysis
    • Monitoring Disease Progression and Remission

In Part 1 of The Prostate Protocol, you receive an overview of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It covers the basics of how the prostate functions and its anatomy, breaks down terms like prostatic hyperplasia, enlargement, or LUTS, and gives you an idea of common BPH symptoms you may be experiencing. This section also covers what causes that prostate to go into overdrive and summarizing the risk factors you should keep in mind.

Then, it goes into different diagnostic tools available to help you figure out what’s going on down there. You learn about physical check-ups and signs to look out for, more advanced testing and lab analysis that confirm BPH and more.

Part 2: BPH Specifics: Understanding the Engine in Order to Shift Gears

  • Cellular Mechanisms Underlying BPH
    • Describing Prostate Anatomy at the Cellular Level
    • Sex Hormone Disruption
    • Neuro-Endocrine Disruption
    • Immune Malfunction, Inflammation and Excessive Regeneration
    • Metabolic Instability
    • Common Cardiovascular BPH Contributions
  • Risk Factors That Provoke Prostatic Hypertrophy
    • Dietary Risk Factors
    • Lifestyle-Related Risk Factors
    • Risky Environmental Exposures
    • Other BPH Risk

In Part 2, you’re provided with more detailed information about BPH on a cellular level to help you see what’s really going on. There’s a focus here on uncovering possible disruptions contributing to your symptoms, including sex hormones causing a problem, neuro-endocrine disturbances, immune system hiccups, inflammation, and more. You also learn how the metabolic instability and how your heart health might be contributing to this whole BPH situation, as well as other risk factors that are worth paying attention to. From dietary choices to lifestyle vibes, environmental exposures, and more, this section tells you everything you need to know.

Part 3: Natural Solutions for Prostatic Relief

  • Natural Dietary Interventions
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
    • Amino Acids
    • Probiotics and Prebiotics for Optimizing Nutrition Uptake
    • Specific Botanical Nutrients for BPH
    • Super Foods for Optimal Hormonal Health
    • Extracts for UTI Prevention and Treatment
    • Natural Antispasmodics for LUTS Relief
  • Lifestyle Interventions
    • Exercise
    • Sleep Hygiene
    • Sunbathing
    • Mindful Stress Management
  • Risk Factors to Avoid
    • Let’s Talk About Detox
    • What to Avoid
    • Natural Substitutions for Cooking Purposes
    • What Should Be Cut Down and Done in Moderation

The third part of The Prostate Protocol serves as your guide to finding natural relief for your prostate! It starts with key information about your diet, with a focus on the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics and prebiotics you’ll want to start incorporating into your day. It also goes over specific botanical nutrients, superfoods for a hormonal boost, and extracts to keep UTIs at bay, and cooking substitutions to improve your health.

This section also looks at other aspects of your life that could use an upgrade, such as your physical activity, sleep quality and stress management. It provides you with valuable tips for improving all of these and even goes into the importance of using a detox to flush out risk factors.

Part 4: The Plan That Brings It All Together

  • Preparing for the Journey
    • Leafy Green Food Prep
    • Anti-BPH Smoothie Recipes
    • Daily Tea Blend
    • Pomegranate Juice Tea Blend
    • Trail Mix Prep
    • Vitamin C Honey “Punch”
    • Night Time Tea
  • Quick Supplement Dosage Reference
  • Treating BPH Naturally in 12 Weeks

Lastly, part four is the master plan that ties it all together. It takes everything you’ve learned from the previous sections and puts it together for you in a step-by-step plan. But first, you learn valuable food prep tips, anti-BPH smoothie recipes, a daily tea blend to sip on, and other snacks to have to boost your prostate health.

Then, you receive some quick supplement dosage reference to boost your nutrition in areas that are lacking. Finally, you receive the 12-week treatment plan where every week is broken down for you, complete with food lists and supplement calendars for each week.  

The prostate protocol table of contents
The table of contents for The Prostate Protocol PDF.

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program is based on clinical studies connecting BPH to the Western diet and lifestyle.
  • It’s designed to naturally alleviate the painful symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • The method focuses on simple, gradual, and healthy adjustments to your diet and lifestyle.
  • A strong focus on incorporating proper nutrition with delicious wholefoods.
  • Aims to tackle BPH symptoms at the source for long-term relief.
  • The approach is 100% natural.
  • You receive all kinds of helpful information, expert advice, and natural healing remedies.
  • Designed to be used right from home without the need of any specialty equipment or tools.
  • No intense dieting or exercise is necessary.
  • The gentle exercises provided are optional.
  • The digital version provides immediate access.
  • You can download materials onto personal tech devices for convenient access anytime, anywhere.
  • Option to receive a printed copy in the mail for a small fee.
  • It comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantages of the Program

The Prostate Protocol comes in a digital format, so nothing gets shipped out to your doorstep. Instead, the program can be accessed immediately online and can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for use anytime, anywhere.

If you would like a printed copy, you can opt for one to be sent out to you. However, there is a small fee for this. As an alternative, you could download and print the guide off from home.


The Prostate Protocol is an online program designed to help you learn how to heal your benign prostatic hyperplasia naturally, and receive quick and permanent relief for all your symptoms. It’s a 100% natural approach that’s largely centered around incorporating delicious wholefoods and positive lifestyle habits that address the issue at the source. This allows you to go in and fix or erase the contributing factors for permanent relief, rather than simply masking them with medication and never actually treating the problem at hand. And it’s really easy to do. The healing regimen is straightforward, involving the addition of tasty and nutritious foods, along with some natural remedies and healthy habits to enhance your prostate health and overall wellbeing. It’s all put together for you in a 12-week plan and even comes with a two-month trial period. This gives you a totally risk-free way to explore the benefits of the program and start eliminating your BPH symptoms.

download the prostate protocol pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program available in-store?

Unfortunately, it is not available in any stores. The program is digital and sold exclusively online.

Is this type of approach safe?

Adopting healthy, natural and positive habits can never be a bad thing and that’s what this program is all about. It follows an entirely natural approach that focusing on making positive and healthy choices in your diet and lifestyle. No need for unusual supplements, exotic herbs, or strange body cleanses. However, if you have any allergies or underlying health conditions, you may want to chat with your doctor prior to getting started.

Will I have to exercise with this program?

There is a small portion of the program that covers exercise, which is optional. The focus isn’t so much on strenuous exercises but rather, on doing simple, gentle things to increase your physical activity, such as taking daily walks or doing some light exercises at home.

How can I get a copy shipped to me?

After purchasing the digital version of the program, you’ll find an option to receive a printed copy in the mail at the bottom of the download page.

Has the author created any other programs?

The natural health expert who created this program also created many others, such as The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy.

Is there a discount code?

No discount codes have been released as of yet. However, the author does offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so you can try it out for two months entirely risk free.


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(as of 26th July 2024)