The Shingles Solution Review: An Investigative Report of the Program

The Shingles Solution Review

The Shingles Solution is a powerful, four-part program designed to help people learn natural and effective ways to eradicate the shingles virus from their nervous system for quick and long-term relief. While there’s no known cure for shingles, there are situations where an outbreak (and symptoms) never occurs. In other words, the virus remains inactive in the body, causing absolutely zero pain and discomfort or disruption to your everyday life. 

With The Shingles Solution, you learn how to get to the root source of the shingles virus so your body can heal and you don’t have to worry about a painful outbreak taking over ever again. It is a 100% natural program that focuses on making healthy, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle. The program is separated into four-parts for easy reading, comes with a plethora of effective natural remedies and tools, and two treatment plans that allow you to treat symptoms upon onset in 7 days, and in 21 days for long-term relief.

What is The Shingles Solution About?

Shingles is harmless in most causes but there are some instances where it can lead to serious complications, including damage to other parts of the body, pneumonia, encephalitis, stroke, and bacterial infections. Fortunately, this program allows you to start the healing process right away.

The Shingles Solution is an online program that aims to help people learn how to eradicate shingles from their nervous system for quick, natural and long-term relief. It’s a comprehensive system that has a 100% natural approach that consists of making healthy, positive changes that tackle shingles at the source for fast treatment and treatment that lasts.

The Shingles Solution also comes with a plethora of helpful information to ensure you know exactly what’s happening in your body, so you have the knowledge needed to start healing. It includes valuable knowledge, effective tools, home remedies and simple steps you can do right in the comfort of your home.  Then, it puts everything together for you into easy-to-follow plans. There are also two regimes to use – one for the first 7 days and another for 21 days, with the latter offers a more permanent solution.

As for the program as a whole, since it contains a wealth of knowledge, it’s separated into four-parts for an easy, organized experience. These parts are:

  • Part 1: Where to begin
  • Part 2: How Our Machinery Works to Produce Either Health or Disease
  • Part 3: Calling in Nature’s Cavalry
  • Part 4: The Part Where You Win

If you are eager to start the healing process right now, you skip right to the healing regimes, which start in part 3 and carries into part 4. You can also get started immediately after purchase, as the program is digital. It’s also backed by a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you can give it a try and see how it helps your symptoms before fully committing.

The Shingles Solution Download Page
A look at The Shingles Solution’s download page.
Here is where you will access the program’s materials.

Who Created The Shingles Solution?

Julissa Clay is the natural health expert who created The Shingles Solution. She is a leading expert in the fitness, health and wellness industries, and aims to help people learn how they can heal their health concerns and conditions at the root source for long-term relief and without the use of prescription medications. Julissa’s approach highly focuses on making healthy and positive changes in your diet, mindset and lifestyle, as well as using natural remedies and healthy habits for effective healing. 

Overview of The Shingles Solution Program

The Shingles Solution is a comprehensive program that teaches you everything there is to know about shingles, including how to eradicate them from your nervous system in as little as 21-days for long-term relief. It’s a detailed, four-part system that aims to give you all of the knowledge needed for you to understand what is happening in your body, and what can be done to get you back to living without those painful rashes.

The program is 100% natural and consists of making healthy, positive lifestyle and diet changes that give you the ability to fight off the virus. It teaches you all the tools available at your disposal that can be used to heal yourself and rid your body of shingles once and for all. This includes things such as having a diet high in lysine, getting proper vitamins and minerals in, using herbal botanicals, therapeutic interventions and much more.

Then, it’s all put together for you in a 7-day treatment plan and a 21-day treatment plan. 

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here is a more detailed breakdown of the four parts:

  • How to Use This Book
  • Part 1: Where To Begin
  • Introduction
  • A Word on Viruses and the Micro-Verse at Large
  • What is Shingles
  • Symptoms of Singles
  • Herpes Zoster Complications
  • Diagnostic Tools: Testing for Varicella-Zoster Virus and Other Viral Herpes
    • Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing
    • ELIZA
    • Other
  • The BRIGHT SIDE of Contracting Shingles
  • Can Shingles Truly Be Cured?

Part one aims to teach you everything you need to know about shingles – from the basics to the different ways to get diagnoses, and everything in between. You learn the benefits of receiving a diagnosis and the benefits of contracting shingle (there are some!).

  • Part 2: How Our Machinery Works to Produce Either Health or Disease
    • How The Body Protects Itself Against Shingles Through the Immune System
    • Innate Immunity
    • Mitochondria
    • Adaptive Immunity
    • The Gut Microbiome and Virome
  • Diet and Lifestyle Factors That Incite Virus Reactivation and Suppress Immunity
    • Diet
    • Lifestyle
    • Environment
    • Other

Part two is an informative section that teaches you details about how the body works when you have shingles or any viral infection. It gives you all the knowledge needed to fully understand what is happening in your body, so you know why the symptoms are occurring and what can be done to stave them off.

  • Part 3: Calling in Nature’s Cavalry
    • Anti-Shingles Diet
    • Dietary Artillery: Destroy the Virus, Boost the Immune System and Heal the Gut Using Nutrients and Whole Foods
      • Varicella-Fighting Nutrients
      • Probiotics
      • Foods With Specific Anti-Shingle Properties
      • Teas, Herbs and Spices
      • Dietary Fats and Cooking Oils
      • Cooking Methods
    • Mindfulness, Deep Breathing and the Internal Art of Pain Management
      • Take a Deep Breath and Let It All Go
      • Release Tension and Alleviate Pain Through Movement
    • Anti-Shingles Lifestyle Interventions
      • Caloric Restriction and Fasting
      • Good Sleep Hygiene
      • Spending Time Outdoors

Part three of the program has three main focal points – to inhibit shingles viral replication, to rectify nutritional deficiency and support a healthy microbiome, and promote regeneration and longevity. As such, this section teaches you how to do all of these things, simply by making healthy, positive changes in your lifestyle, diet, and mindset. It provides you with all of the information needed to understand and implement the steps, which include diet and lifestyle tips, mindfulness activities, stress management exercises, good sleep practices, and much more.

  • Part 4: The Part Where You Win
    • Phase One: What To Do In the Midst of a Shingles Attack (7-Day Plan)
    • Phase Two: Conquer Your Shingles in as Little as 21 Days
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4 and Beyond

As you can see, part four is separated into two phases. The first part teaches you a quick, 7-day plan that is designed to tackle the initial phase, or an acute attack, of the virus. It’s has a stricter dietary and supplemental regimen than phase two, and is designed to mimic the effects of fasting through caloric restriction. The second phase consists of a quick action plan and a regime for more long-term relief. It’s separated into a four-week regime (21 days). Both plans provide you with a simple schedule to follow which is put into an easy, readable chart.

  • Conclusion
  • Appendices
    • Appendix 1: Immediate Pain Relief
      • Topical Ointment for Pain Relief
      • MSM and Vitamin C for Aching Joints
      • Cannabinoids for Pain and Stress Relief
      • What to Do for Muscle Cramps or Discomfort
    • Appendix 2: Anti-Shingles Diet Food Lists
      • Foods to Avoid
      • Foods to Consume
    • Appendix 3: Carefully Calculated Recipes for Success
      • The Silver Bullet Breakfast Smoothie
      • Quince Puree – Your Daily Dose of Quercetin and Kaempferol
      • Apple Puree – The Vegan Alternative to Milk Kefir
      • Fermented Berry-Chia Puree – Upping the Ante with Resveratrol and Conjugated Omega 3’s
      • Fermented Herbal Tea Blend for Conquering Shingles
      • Chamomile Tea – Your Before Bedtime Drink
      • Preventing Secondary Infections with Apple Cider Vinegar and Oregano Essential Oil
      • Olive Oil Infused Garlic Gloves
      • Example Anti-Herpes Soup Recipe with Step-By-Step Calculations
    • Appendix 4: Supplement Regiment
      • Amino Acids
      • Anti-Shingles Nutraceuticals
      • Optional Supplements for Improved Immune Support
      • Minerals
      • Vitamins
      • Thyroid Support
      • Thymus Support
      • Digestive Support
    • Appendix 5: Beginner Guide to Deep Breathing and Mindful Movement
      • Deep Breathing Technique
      • Mindful Movement Exercises
The Shingles Solution Table of Contents
The Shingles Solution PDF – table of contents.

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program is designed to work quickly and effectively
  • It teaches you how to soothe and eliminate your shingles symptoms naturally and at the source for long-term relief.
  • It comes with all of the knowledge, tools and remedies needed to fully understand and heal your symptoms
  • The system can also be used to prevent shingles
  • The program is separated into a four-part system for easy understanding and use
  • It comes with all kinds of extra information and healing regimes in the appendix sections
  • It provides you with a four-week treatment plan that you can easily follow to start healing
  • A digital version allows you to access the program on your personal tech devices, anytime and anywhere – perfect for any random flare-ups  
  • Can receive a physical hardcopy for the cost of printing
  • Supported by a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Can try the entire system out risk-free

Disadvantages of the Program

The only disadvantage that comes to mind is that the entire program is digital. While there are many advantages to this, such as quick and easy access to the program anytime and anywhere, this may be a disadvantage to anyone who would prefer that a physical hardcopy gets shipped to them. On the bright side, if you would like to have a physical version of the program which usually ships in 3 days and only costs the price of printing. Additionally, you can also download and print the material off at home. Otherwise, everything gets stored right on your tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.


The Shingles Solution is a detailed program that provides you with all of the knowledge and remedies needed to effectively treat your symptoms for long-term relief. The program is separated into a four-part system that makes it easy to learn everything there is to know about shingles and treating them naturally. It can be used by anyone dealing with these painful symptoms, and consists of 100% natural remedies so you don’t have to worry about any potential side effects. Additionally, the program is backed by a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee so you can try it out risk-free for two months. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I opt to receive the physical copy of the program? Can I get it in a bookstore?

The program does have the option to receive a physical hardcopy of the program, which becomes available once you’ve purchased the digital version. You’ll find this option at the bottom of the download page. The price of this is only the cost of printing, which is an excellent deal if you would prefer a physical version.

To answer your second question, you wouldn’t be able to find the program in a bookstore.

Are the methods used safe?

They certainly should be, as the entire program is 100% natural. The approach is highly based on making healthy, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle to eradicate the shingles virus at the source to provide you with long-term relief.  You don’t have to do any weird dieting or detoxes, or take any strange supplements or herbs. Instead, the program is all about making better, healthier choices. 

However, just like with anything, you may wish to speak with your doctor prior to getting started if you have any underlying health conditions or are on medication.

Is the author trustworthy? Have they created any other programs?

Julissa Clay is well-known within the natural health industry as a health expert that you can trust. She has created many successful programs that teach people how to heal their symptoms naturally, such as The Psoriasis Strategy, and the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Strategy programs.

Are there any discounts available?

The author has yet to release any form of discount or coupon for the program, as it is already reasonably priced to fit most people’s budgets. If this were to change, it would be announced on the author’s official website. It isn’t all bad news though, since the price is pretty low and the program comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee so you can try it out risk-free for two months.


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(as of 26th July 2024)