Water Freedom System Review: Is the Device Practical and Does it Really Work?

Water Freedom System Review

Water Freedom System is the ultimate program for ensuring you and your family always have a renewable source of clean drinking water readily available to you even in the case of an emergency. But you may be wondering why you would ever need to know this when the grocery stores are lined with cases of bottled water and the world being made up mostly of water. Well, it’s quite simple: experts have confirmed that the water supply in the United States is decreasing, and two of the largest reservoirs in America that provide water and electricity to millions of people are in danger of reaching ‘dead pool status’ due to the climate crisis and overconsumption of water. In other words, water scarcity issues are imminent. Add in the fact that water and hydration is absolutely essential for survival, and you just can’t even go wrong with ensuring your own reliable source.

The Water Freedom System is an online program that teaches you how to create a simple water generator in your home or on your property using basic equipment, tools and the simple condensation principle to generate 40 to 60 gallons of clean, drinking water each day. You don’t need large space or land, nor do you need any prior experience or knowledge working with water sources as the program provides you with all of the information and steps needed so you can easily follow along and implement your newfound knowledge. And it can all be done right from your tech devices.

What is Water Freedom System About?

Condensation is the process where water vapor becomes liquid and it’s the only principle you need to know to create your own source of clean, drinkable water. The Water Freedom System is an online program designed to ensure no one ever has to go without clean drinking water, even in the case of an emergency. It’s a fairly straight-forward program that teaches you everything you need to know to understand potential water scarcity issues and most importantly, ways to have clean drinking water. It teaches you how to decontaminate groundwater and find natural water sources, how to tell if water is drinkable, how to properly store water, and other essential survivalist skills that pertain to staying hydrated.

Then, Water Freedom System provides you with a step-by-step tutorial for building your own water generator that uses the condensation principle to create up to 40 to 60 gallons of clean water each day. It also provides you with additional tips and tricks, detailed material and tool lists, links to recommended products, photos, and much more. Minimal space is needed and you don’t need any prior knowledge or experience dealing with water in order to use this system, as the program shows you how to create your own water system with whatever your circumstances are. It also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so you can test it out for yourself risk-free.

Water Freedom System Download Page
Water Freedom System – Download Page.
This is where you will access the program’s materials.

The system is put together for you into one main manual, which is digital and available to you as soon as you purchase. You just sign in and download the guide onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for access anytime, anywhere. This also means that everything you need to use the program and build your own water generator is readily available right at your fingertips, whether you’re at the department store to pick up materials or back to your house to implement the steps. It also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which allows you to use the program for two months and see what you think.

Who Created the Water Freedom System?

The author of Water Freedom System is Chris Burns, a 57-year old farmer who experienced one of the worst droughts in American history. After almost losing everything – from his career and farm to his family and health, Chris sought out a solution to ensure he and his family would never have to worry about water scarcity again. As a result, he created his own water generator and eventually, this program so others could do the same.

Overview of the Water Freedom System

Water Freedom System is the ultimate program for learning all about potential water crises and how you can always ensure you have clean drinkable water readily available to you and your family. The program covers a variety of topics that provide you with valuable information, such as finding water sources, decontamination methods, potential water scarcity issues, water storage tips, how to prepare for a potential emergency and much more.

Then, it teaches you how to create your own generator of water, complete with detailed material and tool lists, product recommendations, step-by-step instructions, photo tutorials and everything else you need for an easy, stress-free experience.

The entire Water Freedom System is put together for you into one main manual. To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here is a sneak peek:

  • Introduction
  • Where Does Your Water Come From?
    • Ground Water
    • Surface Water
    • Water Systems and Distribution
  • The International and National Water Crisis
  • Is America’s Water Safe to Drink?
    • The Vulnerability of the Nation’s Water System
    • How Drought Can Poison the Water System
    • Chemtrails Can Affect The Water Supply
    • The Fukushima Fallout
    • Is Bottled Water the Answer?
  • The Water Is Running Out
    • The Aquifers
    • Natural Disasters and Other Water Threats
    • Who Are The Terrorists that Could Attack the Water Supple?
  • The U.S. Water Supply and an EMP
    • What is an EMP?
  • Storing Water for a Water Crisis
    • Store Water
    • Storage Tips
    • Storing Water in Your Vehicle
  • Sourcing Water
    • Natural Sources of Water
    • Water in Your Home
  • Treating Water
    • Filtration and Purification
    • Water Filtration Methods
    • Purification Methods
  • The System
  • Your New Fresh Water
    • A Look on Water in General
    • The System’s Water
    • Water Remineralization
    • How to Re-mineralize the WFS Water
  • Prepare NOW
    • Who Should Prepare for a Water Emergency?
    • How to Begin Preparation
  • Where to Find The Parts and Tools – Quick Online Buy Guide

In the main manual, you’re provided with everything you need to know to understand potential water scarcity issues, water sourcing and of course, how to create your own water generator using the condensation principle. However, it also includes a plethora of additional tips and techniques you can use to ensure you always have clean, drinkable water available to you. For example, you learn how to decontaminate and purify groundwater if you’re ever in need of fresh drinking water while out in the woods or at the very least, away from your home – great for the outdoorsperson.

As for the tutorial, that is found in the last couple of chapters, complete with detailed steps on how to put the generator together, lists of parts needed and the approximate price of each, list of tools, photos for each steps, purification tips, minerals you may want to add, and so on and so forth.

Water Freedom System Table of Contents
The table of contents for “Water Freedom System” PDF.

You also receive access to a variety of extra bonuses for absolutely free, which are:

  • Free Bonus #1: Tactical Flashlight
  • Free Bonus #2: Collect Water From Fog DIY Guide
  • Free Bonus #3: Water Purification – The Slow Sand Filters
  • Free Bonus #4: The Paranoid’s Home Defense
  • Free Bonus #5: The Essential Guide to Bartering
  • Free Bonus #6: Blackout: Surviving The Aftermath
  • Free Bonus #7: Build Your Own Greenhouse
  • Surprise Bonus #8: Calamity Prepper and Survival Handbook
  • Surprise Bonus #9: Cook From Sun Energy
  • Surprise Bonus #10: Ultimate Shelter Guide
  • Surprise Bonus #11: Home Survival List

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • Teaches you essential skills for survival
  • Provides you with detailed step-by-step instructions for a simple, stress-free experience
  • Can be used without any prior experience or knowledge
  • Comes with important information about a potential water crisis and what to do in the case of an emergency
  • The water generator can be made with affordable materials that can easily be accessed at your local department store
  • Provides you with extra tips on decontamination, DIY filtration systems, how to begin preparing for a potential water emergency, and so much more
  • Ensures your family always have a source of clean drinking water
  • Can produce 40 to 60 gallons of clean, drinkable water each day
  • Minimal space is needed
  • Available in digital form
  • Easy access anytime, anywhere
  • Can be downloaded right onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer
  • Backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Disadvantages of the Program

The Water Freedom System is a digital program, which means that a physical hardcopy doesn’t get shipped out to you. Instead, everything can be accessed online and downloaded onto your personal tech devices for use anytime, anywhere. However, if you would like to have a printed version, you can have the guide printed out for you at a local print shop or from home.


Water Freedom System is an online program designed to help people ensure a reliable source of clean drinking water by teaching them how to build a simple water generator that can produce up to 40 gallons of water each day. It uses the basic condensation principle, minimal space and affordable materials, and comes with detailed steps that guide you through the process. Anyone can use it even without any prior experience or knowledge and it also comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, so you can try it out risk-free and see what you think.

download water freedom system pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a store location where I can find a physical hardcopy of the program in?

As mentioned previously, the program is entirely digital. As such, you won’t be able to find it in a physical store location or as a hardcopy. Instead, it’s only sold on the official website. However, this comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee and you can print the digital guide off to serve as your own personal hardcopy.  

How much water can I expect from the water generator?

The amount of water the generator produces highly depends on a variety of factors, such as the efficiency of your dehumidifier and the humidity levels in the area where the device is being used. In ideal conditions, it can produce anywhere from 40 to 60 gallons of clean, drinkable water each day. 

Does the generator use a lot of energy?

Similar to the prior, this highly depends on the efficiency of your dehumidifier and the water pump. On average, it requires approximately 320-725 watts (depending on the settings). If you’re looking to be completely off-grid, a simple solar panel system should be sufficient to power up the device.

Are the materials easy to access and affordable to get?

Yes. You can get most, if not all of the parts at your local department store, such as Walmart, or online at Amazon and at an affordable price. However, if you’re experiencing any difficulties acquiring the items, there are similar alternatives that work just as well. For example, you don’t have to get the exact water barrel mentioned in the program and can use any one that you choose.


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(as of 26th July 2024)