Ironbound Review: Does it Work? Is it for Real?

Ironbound Review

Ironbound is an online program that provides you with a practical approach for anyone suffering from hereditary iron overload, so they can completely reverse and prevent iron toxic symptoms at a fundamental level. 95% of hemochromatosis cases are hereditary, according to studies, so the program largely focuses on the genetic side and science of HCT. But what may surprise you is that, although your condition is genetic, you can take control of your condition and begin healing it at the source for long-term relief.

Ironbound aims to help you do just that by providing you with a comprehensive system that covers everything there is to know about hemochromatosis and the effective healing tools and strategies available to you.  

What is Ironbound About?

Rarely is a clear, effective strategy for managing hemochromatosis provided, according to studies conducted on people dealing with this condition. Ironbound is here to change that, offering you a comprehensive program that teaches you how to eradicate your HCT symptoms and manage your condition moving forward, naturally. It aims to provide you with all of the information needed to fully understand your genes, health and hemochromatosis, so you can finally free yourself of the iron absorption with the most effective healing tools and strategies for you.

Ironbound follows a 100% natural approach that largely consists of getting the proper nutrition into your diet to properly manage your hemochromatosis, with an extra sprinkle on making positive, healthy lifestyle choices. This includes simple adjustments to your diet with supplements, herbs and other nutrition tools, as well as getting enough quality sleep, exercising regularly, reducing stress levels, and so on and so forth. It doesn’t require you to do anything too extreme either, such as strict dieting, cooking up elaborate meals or investing in fancy cooking equipment and exotic ingredients. Instead, it offers a practical approach that anyone can use to start healing their HCT symptoms at the source for long-term relief.

The entire system can be accessed online as soon as you purchase. You can also download the material onto your smartphone, tablet or computers, or opt to receive a physical hardcopy in the mail for the small fee of printing. The program also comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee that allows you to check it out and see if it’s for you, risk-free.

Ironbound Download Page
A look at the “Ironbound” program’s download page.
This is how and where you will access the materials.

Who Created the Ironbound Program?

Natural health practitioner and expert, Shelly Manning, is the author of Ironbound. Shelly is highly-renowned within the natural health industry, specializing in finding and providing natural health alternatives that allow people to heal their health concerns and conditions naturally. Shelly’s goal is to provide people with all of the information needed to understand their condition and to implement the best healing strategy for them specifically. They are also the author of many other successful programs, including The Arthritis Step-by-Step Strategy, The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution, The Bone Density Solution, and End of Gout.

Overview of the Ironbound Program

Ironbound is a comprehensive program that teaches you everything there is to know about hemochromatosis and the natural ways you can regain control of your health and break free of the iron chains. It aims to give you all of the information needed to properly understand your genes, health and condition, so you can implement the perfect healing strategy for you specifically.

The program is separated into five chapters, with each covering a specific topic that pertains to HCT. This allows you to gain all the knowledge you need without having an information overload. By the end of the last chapter, you will have learned about your condition, treatment options and natural ways to use diet to improve your gut biome to take control of hemochromatosis. This includes supplement lists, food lists, therapeutic tools, diet recommendations, lifestyle suggestions, daily habits recommendations, recipes, a simple sample meal plan and so much more.

Here is a look at what you can expect from each chapter:

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Understanding Hemochromatosis
    • Iron Overload Disorders
      • The Biology of Iron and the Progression of HCT
      • Iron and Free Radicals
    • The Causes and Risk Factors of Iron Overload
      • Inhered or Primary Types of Iron Overload
      • Secondary or Acquired Types of Iron Overload
    • The Signs of Iron Overload and Its Symptoms and Consequences
      • Other Conditions Linked to Iron Overload
      • Iron Overload and Unbalanced Hormones
    • How HCT is Usually Diagnosed
      • Technical Diagnosis and Diagnostic Tests
    • How HCT/Iron Overload is Conventionally Treated
      • Phlebotomy
      • Iron Chelation
      • Newer Conventional Treatments
    • Simple Summary: What You Should Know, So Far
      • General Important Facts
      • Causes and Risk Factors
      • Signs and Symptoms
      • Frontline, Mainstay, Standard Historical Medical Ways to Try HCT
      • Newer, Non-Classical (Or Theoretical) Medical Treatments for Hemochromatosis

The first chapter is where you gain all the knowledge needed to properly understand what hemochromatosis is from a medical perspective. It covers the symptoms, causes, risk factors, and conventional treatments. If there is something you should know about HCT, you’ll find it in this chapter.

  • Chapter Two: Insights from Genetics: HCT, Immunity and Physical Performance
    • A Little Intro to Genetics
    • Linking Genetics to HCT
      • Genetic Penetrance
      • Elevated Iron and Infection
      • The Secret Benefits of HCT
      • How Beneficial Is Exercise for General Health
      • Other Lifestyle Considerations for HCT and General Health
      • Anxiety, Stress and Happiness
      • What is the Bottom Line?

In chapter two, it takes a look at the history and genetics of iron, as well as the benefits and activities that can enhance your health and lifestyle. This includes simple things, such as getting proper sleep, exercising regularly, reducing stress levels, etc.

  • Chapter Three: Breaking The Chains with Natural Therapeutics
    • Gathering the Tools You Will Need
    • Natural Dietary Therapeutic Compounds
      • Lactoferrin
      • Polyphenols
    • The Five Superstar Tools for HCT and Iron Overload Treatment
      • Quercetin
      • Milk Thistle
      • Turmeric
      • Green Tea
      • Horny Goat Weed
      • Other Herbs and Folk Remedies to Help with your Groove

In chapter three, the primary focus is on supplements, antioxidants herbs, compounds and other nutritional tools you can use to break free of the harmful effects of iron. This chapter teaches you  100% natural ways to break the iron chains that are keeping your HCT in control, complete with dietary charts, ingredient lists, and much more.

  • Chapter Four: Diet and the Microbiome for HCT
    • The Microbiome – A Critical Factor for Health and Happiness
      • The Importance of the Gut Microbiome
      • The Composition of the Microbiome
      • Probiotics, What Are They?
      • Prebiotics, What Are They?
      • The Role of Diet in Hemochromatosis
      • Remove Iron-Rich Foods From Your Diet
    • What Increases Iron Absorption?
      • Vitamin C
      • Alcohol
      • Beta-Carotene
      • Smoking and Nicotine Products
    • What Blocks Iron Absorption
      • Sex Hormones and Their Link to Iron Overload
  • A Cautionary Tale
  • To Supplement or Not
  • Healthy Diet Principles for HCT

Chapter four is all about using dietary strategies, but specifically in a way that is beneficial to your microbiome to manage your iron levels. It teaches you the types of foods and dietary structures that can hurt or harm your condition and the dietary tools that are readily available to you, so you can start improving your gut biome and effectively managing your hemochromatosis. You’ll find all kinds of food lists, information-packed bullet points, and recommendations in this chapter.

  • Chapter Five: Bringing It All Together to Heal from HCT
    • The Iron Bound Master Protocol – Achieve Healthy Iron Metabolism for Life
      • Quick Overview: Steps to Reverse Hemochromatosis
      • Primary Goal
      • Secondary Goals
      • The Iron Bound Pathway to Health
    • Final Thoughts

In this chapter, the author takes all of the information you’ve learned in the prior chapters and put it together into one practical protocol that guides you through the healing process. It comes with all kinds of additional suggestions for treating HCT, eradicating your symptoms at the source and maintaining a balanced health moving forward. By the end of this chapter, you’ll know exactly how to use the things you’ve learned to improve your condition. It even includes advice on different goals you can set and a plan for achieving them, milestones for the upcoming months, fringe benefits, and much more.

The program also provides you with seven extremely helpful appendices that contain all kinds of additional information and resources, such as tips, recipes, meal plans, and much more.  Here’s a quick look at those:

  • Appendix 1: The Glycemic Index
  • Appendix 2: Fabulous Food Guide
  • Appendix 3: What to Avoid
  • Appendix 4: Super Supplementation Protocol
  • Appendix 5: Guidelines for Testing Hormones
  • Appendix 6: The Seven Day Iron Bound Meal Plan for Diet
  • Appendix 7: The Liver Detoxification Handbook
  • References
ironbound table of contents
The table of contents for Ironbound PDF.

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • Teaches you a practical and natural strategy for effectively managing your HCT
  • Approach is 100% natural and consists of making positive, healthy changes with a large focus on nutrition and diet
  • Designed to easily work with a busy lifestyle
  • Aims to provide you with the proper information about your genes, health and condition, so you can make the best decisions for your healing moving forward
  • Comes with 7 detailed appendices that contain incredibly beneficial information
  • Digital version means you receive immediate access and can download the material right onto your personal tech devices
  • Physical hardcopy is available for the cost of printing
  • Comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Disadvantages of the Program

If you were hoping to receive a physical product in the mail, you may be disappointed to learn that Ironbound is a digital program, meaning nothing gets mailed out to you. Instead, the entire program can be accessed online and downloaded onto your personal tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet or computer. This actually comes with many advantages, such as instant access where you can get started right away and the ability to use the program anywhere you’d like as everything is on your devices. However, if you would still prefer to have a physical hardcopy of the program, this is available for the extra cost of printing. This option becomes available to you after you’ve purchased the digital version and typically ships within 3 business days.


Ironbound is a comprehensive program designed to empower you with the proper information regarding your condition, so you can implement the perfect strategy for you, specifically to effectively manage your symptoms and heal hemochromatosis right in the comfort of your own home and naturally.  It can be used by anyone dealing with hemochromatosis – male or female, and consists of making healthy, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle to free yourself of the genes and science causing these ‘iron chains’. It even comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so you can start learning about your genes, health and condition and using the strategies provided risk-free to see what you think.

download ironbound pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an option to get a physical hardcopy?

Yes. As mentioned previously, the program is digital but there is an option to receive a physical hardcopy shipping out to you for the minimal cost of printing. It can take around 3 days to ship out, but you have access to the digital version in the meantime (and moving forward) so you can use that if you’d like to get started immediately.

Is there any physical location, such as a bookstore, where I can check out the program?

Since the program is digital, you won’t be able to find it in a physical store, such as a bookstore. Instead, it is only available for purchase on their official website. Keep in mind, that it does come with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee so you can check it out and even use the program fully for two months, risk-free.

How do I know the author is credible? Have they created any other programs?

The author of Ironbound is Shelly Manning, a highly renowned natural health expert that is often hailed as one of the best. Shelly has produced many successful programs, including The Arthritis Step-by-Step Strategy, The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution, The Bone Density Solution, and End of Gout.

Is the method in the program safe?

The entire program is 100% natural and consists of making healthy, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle, so it should definitely be a safe option for managing your hemochromatosis. It doesn’t require you to take any strange supplements or exotic herbs or do a weird body cleanse or detox either – just some simple, practical changes that improve your health. However, if you are on medication or have an underlying health condition, you may wish to speak with your doctor first.

Are there any discounts available?

There have been no discounts released for this program as of yet and if this were to change it would be announced on the program’s official website. But again, keep in mind that the program does come with the 60-Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out and have nothing to lose.


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(as of 26th July 2024)