The Parkinson’s Protocol Review: Exploring The Program’s Contents

The Parkinson’s Protocol is an evidence-based online program that teaches you 12 effective healing protocols that can effectively alleviate your symptoms and slow down the progression of this challenging condition. At the heart of it all is dopamine, the brain’s ‘happy chemical.’  Various studies have found a strong link between dopamine levels and Parkinson’s disease. In fact, it’s been determined that dopamine helps the nerve and muscle cells responsible for movement. As a result, people with Parkinson’s tend to have significantly lower levels in comparison to those who do not. The good news is that your dopamine levels can be controlled and naturally increased to help you combat and reduce the symptoms and effects of Parkinson’s.

The Parkinson’s Protocol is your go-to guide for learning 12 simple daily habits you can do to naturally boost dopamine production. It’s a 100% natural approach that can be done right from the comfort of your home and no extra tools or equipment are required.

The Parkinson's Protocol Review

What is The Parkinson’s Protocol About?

When it comes to slowing down the progression of Parkinson’s disease and minimizing your symptoms naturally, dopamine is the answer according to recent studies. The Parkinson’s Protocol is an online program that teaches you a variety of evidence-based remedies that increase your dopamine production to significantly improve your health and overall condition. It’s a comprehensive program that follows a 100% natural approach that is highly based on clinical studies that have linked dopamine, the happy brain chemical, to the nerve and muscle cells associated with movement.

The Parkinson’s Protocol works in three specific ways:

  1. Captures the degeneration of brain cells in the substantia nigra (the underlying cause of Parkinson’s)
  2. Addresses the low dopamine levels that are causing your Parkinson’s symptoms
  3. Works on the symptoms directly to dramatically reduce them and/or to prevent them altogether

The program walks you through understanding this approach and implementing the things you’ve learned into your daily life. It comes with a list of 12 simple daily habits that you can easily follow to start protecting your health and repairing the parts of your brain. It also comes with an abundance of reliable health information, clinical studies and extra resources to help you make the positive changes in your diet, exercise (optional) and lifestyle that are going to make a difference. This includes food lists and recipes, sleep recommendations, and much more.

The program is digital too, meaning you can use the program anytime, anywhere. You simply download the content right onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, and everything is readily available to you right at your fingertips. If you’d prefer a physical hardcopy, you can opt to have one shipped out to you for a small fee.

Additionally, The Parkinson’s Protocol is backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, giving you a two-month trial period.

The Parkinson's Protocol Download Page
A look at what the download page for the program looks like.
This is how and where you will access the materials.

Who Created The Program?

The creator of The Parkinson’s Protocol is Jodi Knapp, a highly-respected naturopath and natural health researcher. Jodi has dedicated her career to helping people find their way towards healing naturally through the power of their diet and lifestyle choices. She has created other successful programs as well, including Neuropathy No More and The Hypothyroidism Program.

Overview of The Program

The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive four-part program that teaches you evidence-based strategies designed to target and increase dopamine levels in the brain. With this all-natural approach, you can minimize symptoms, repair crucial parts of the brain, and impede the progression of this challenging disease.

The program has organized each part of the system to ensure an easy and organized learning experience. Here’s a sneak peek at the focus of each section:

  • Part 1: Deep-Dive Into Parkinson’s
  • Part 2: Parkinson’s Treatment – Traditional Solutions and Alternative Approaches
  • Part 3: Two Steps to Delay Parkinson’s – Detoxing and Dopamine
  • Part 4: 12 Daily Habits to Delay Parkinson’s

Within each part, you’ll find an abundance of valuable information, expert advice, healing regimes, and tips to enhance your diet, lifestyle, and exercise to get your body pumping out more dopamine. The program also includes a follow-along treatment plan, featuring 12 simple habits that allow you to easily put your newfound knowledge into action. This protocol comes complete with recipes, home remedies, appendices, and much more, ensuring that you have all the tools you need for a successful and transformative journey.

Part 1: Deep-Dive Into Parkinson’s

  1. What Exactly is Happening in the Brain?
  2. Symptoms of Parkinson’s
  3. The 5 Stages of Parkinson’s
  4. The Role of Dopamine – The Motivation Molecule
    • Dopamine Receptors
    • Low Dopamine Levels and Brain Disorders
    • Dopamine and Rewards
  5. What Causes Parkinson’s
    • High BMI
    • Environmental Toxins
    • Inflammation of the Microglia
    • Mitochondrial Dysfunction
    • Depression
    • Diet and Lifestyle
    • Lack of Exercise
    • The Forgotten Risk Factor – Stress

The program begins with a comprehensive overview of Parkinson’s disease. It provides you with the essential information needed to have a strong understanding of this disease and its effects on the brain. This includes the risks and causes of low dopamine levels, various factors that come into play, such as stress management, and the clinical studies that form the foundation of this approach. You also receive valuable insight on how each of the dopamine-boosting techniques provided can help you reduce your symptoms and slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Part 2: Parkinson’s Treatment – Traditional Solutions and Alternative Approaches

  1. Dopamine Precursors
  2. Dopamine Antagonists
  3. Other Parkinson’s Medications
  4. Parkinson’s Natural ‘Quick Fixes’

The second part covers the different treatment options available for Parkinson’s. This includes both conventional and natural alternatives to ensure you have all the knowledge necessary to make well-informed decisions regarding your health. But that’s not all. You also learn ‘quick fix options designed to offer immediate relief from symptoms.

Part 3: Two Steps to Delay Parkinson’s – Detoxing and Dopamine

  1. Detox Your Brain
    • Strategies for Gentle Detoxing
    • Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatories
    • Sleep: Your Brain’s Detox Tool
  2. Boost Dopamine with Food
    • Natural Dopamine Precursors
    • A Neuro-Protective way of Eating: The Principles of the MIND Diet
    • Plant-Protein
    • 10 Dopamine Boosting Superfoods
  3. Boost Dopamine with Movement
  4. Boost Dopamine with Your Mind

The next part teaches you the importance of two steps when it comes to repairing essential parts of the brain and slowing down the progression of Parkinson’s. Not only does this section teach you everything there is to know about detoxing and dopamine, it also includes all kinds of remedies, advice, and evidence-based strategies to take advance of both steps. This includes gentle detoxification methods, food lists, dopamine-boosting superfoods, sleep tips and more.

Part 4: 12 Daily Habits to Delay Parkinson’s

The last part of the program provides you with a list of 12 simple daily habits that serve as powerful tools for supporting and improving your condition on a daily basis. These habits play a strategic role in minimizing your exposure to various factors scientifically linked to the development of Parkinson’s. From environmental pollutants to the influences of the Western lifestyle and diet, low physical activity, and the challenges of stress and depression, these daily practices act as a shield against potential contributors to the disease.

For example, you learn how to easily incorporate two portions of cruciferous vegetables into your daily diet and why, as well as the importance of prioritizing at least 8 hours of sleep each night, and so on and so forth.


Don’t forget the extra resources that are designed to further support you on your healing journey.

  • A Healthier Brain is Within Your Reach
  • Appendix 1: 13 Brain-Loving Recipes
    • Kitchen Hacks
    • Fresh Start – Restock Your Kitchen
    • Recipes
  • Appendix 2: Tips to Detox from Dietary and Environmental Toxins
  • Appendix 3: Powerful Antioxidants and Where to Find Them
  • Appendix 4: Dopamine-Boosting Nutrients and where to Find Them
  • Appendix 5: List of Healthy Alternatives to Sugar and Refined Carbs
  • Appendix 6: List of Healthiest Fasts
  • Appendix 7: Simple Exercises to Increase Strength and Flexibility
  • Appendix 8: Additional Evidence-Based Strategies to Boost your Dopamine Levels
the parkinson's protocol table of contents
The table of contents for the PDF.

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • Based on scientific evidence, showing how dopamine plays a key role in supporting the nerve and muscle cells involved in movement.
  • Offers practical strategies backed by evidence, known to ease symptoms and slow down the progress of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Completely natural and super straightforward approach – it’s all about making positive changes to your diet and lifestyle.
  • Aims repair and support specific parts of the brain associated with Parkinson’s.
  • Made for everyone – whether you want to prevent or manage Parkinson’s.
  • Includes recipes, food lists, expert advice and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Comes with a list of daily habits that will support your brain health on a daily basis.
  • Exercise portion is totally optional.
  • The digital version lets you download everything to your own devices for easy access wherever you are.
  • Backed by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee for a two-month trial period.
  • Try the program risk-free for two months – see how it works for you.

Disadvantages of the Program

The Parkinson’s Protocol does not come with a physical package that gets delivered to your home. Since the program is digital, everything can be accessed online immediately after purchase. You then download the material onto your tech device, whether it’s your smartphone, laptop, tablet or desktop computer, and the program is there for you whenever you need it.

You can, however, opt to receive a hardcopy in the mail for a small additional fee. Or you could download and print the guide off from home.  


The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive four-part guide designed to help people facing challenges with Parkinson’s, so they can regain control, alleviate their symptoms, and slow down the progression of the disease. The approach is highly focused on enhancing dopamine levels, as they have been scientifically linked to the improvement of nerve and muscle cells related to movement. As such, the program comes with all kinds of valuable information, including evidence-based strategies and 12 simple yet effective habits you can implement each day to drastically improve your brain health. It can be used by anyone dealing with a Parkinson’s diagnosis or who is proactively seeking to enhance brain health and prevent potential issues. And in addition to being rooted in clinical studies, it offers a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, providing a risk-free opportunity to explore its benefits and go from there.

download the parkinson's protocol pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a hardcopy version?

Yes. After purchasing the program online, you can choose to receive a physical version for a small extra printing fee. This can take 2 to 3 days to ship, and you can expect to receive it in approximately 10 business days.

Is this approach safe?

The program is highly based on clinical studies, supporting the all-natural, evidence-based strategies that make up the treatment plan. This include a healthy, positive approach that can be used by everyone.  However, just like with any treatment plan, you may wish to speak with your doctor prior to getting started. 

Keep in mind, you also have a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can use the program and see if it’s for you.

Is there any exercise involved?

There is a mention of simple, gentle exercise in the program, but it is entirely optional. This part of the program also takes as little as 10 minutes to complete and does not require any extra equipment or tools. So, if you want to include it in your regime, you can do so right at home.

Can I get this program in-store?

The program is sold exclusively online on the official website. It is not available in-store.

Is there a discount code available?

No discount codes have been released for the program. Be wary of any websites offering one, as it is likely fake.

Is the author reputable within the natural health field?

Absolutely – one of the best. Jodi Knapp is a natural health expert who has also created many other successful programs, such as Neuropathy No More, and The Hypothyroidism Solution.


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(as of 18th September 2024)