Old School New Body Review: Safe for People Over 40? Is it Good?

old school new body review

Old School New Body is an online anti-aging workout program that consists of an evidence-based workout strategy designed to reverse the aging process at a cellular level, so you can start looking and feeling young again! There’s no denying that the body changes significantly as you age and it can be hard to “get back at it” when you have packed on some pounds and haven’t seen a gym in ages. Pardon the pun. Add on the fact that an aging body requires a different training style, and it can feel like you’ll never get your body back to what it was.

But you can and Old School New Body aims to provide you with the most effective workout strategies for men and women over the age of 40. It’s 100% natural and offers a realistic yet effective way to get your body back in shape and feeling great.

What is Old School New Body About?

Working out and losing weight becomes harder as you get older because your body simply can’t handle the same workout regimes as it used to. 

Old School New Body is an online program designed to help men and women over the age of 40 learn how to train properly so they can get in shape again, regardless of their age or how long it’s been since they worked out. It’s a comprehensive system that provides you with practical and effective science-based workout regimes that are highly based on reversing aging at a cellular level, so you can get back to looking and feeling great.  For example, you learn how to trigger fat-burning and muscle-building hormones for an anti-aging effect, how to use shorter workouts for maximum benefits, methods that release growth hormones for bigger results that leave you stronger, without feeling worn and torn, and so much more.

With Old School New Body, you receive a collection of age-appropriate advice, guidance, training and workout regimes. The exercise regimes are largely focused on increasing reps, instead of weight, and using controlled, safe, targeted muscle movements that have been used as effective training strategies by the world’s top trainers. The workouts can be done with as little as a pair of dumbbells and your bodyweight, but you can also use it with gym equipment.

Everything is put together for you in two manuals, which can be accessed immediately after purchase. They are digital, so you simply download them onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer and they’re ready for you to use them anytime, anywhere. The program is also supported by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

old school new body download page
The download page for the “Old School New Body” program.
This is how you will access the program’s materials.

Who Created the Old School New Body Program?

The authors of Old School New Body as Steve and Becky Holman. Both are highly respected within the health and fitness industry. Steve is the Editor In Chief for Iron Magazine and has written well over 20 books and articles about weight training, fat burning and bodybuilding. He has worked with bodybuilding legends, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Labrada and Cory Everson. His wife, Becky, is also a writer who has contributed health, nutrition and fitness articles for many major media outlets, including Iron Man Magazine, for the past 10 years.

Overview of the Old School New Body Program

Old School New Body is a unique anti-aging workout program that teaches you a series of workout regimes that are designed to work with your mind and body as you age, instead of against it. For example, instead of providing you with workouts that are certain to put unnecessary strain on your joints, this program provides you with joint-friendly regimes that are highly based on increasing reps instead of lifting heavy weights. It even covers joint rejuvenation.

The program is separated into two guides: a main module and a quick start module. You’ll find a series of workout routines in both, but the main manual also comes with an abundance of helpful information, advice, tips and suggestions.

As for the workout programs, they come with detailed steps, reps and diagrams so you can easily learn the regime and get started.

Here is a more detailed look at the two guides:

Main Manual

  • The F4X System: Turning Fat Into Muscle
  • The F4X Lean Workout: Your 20-Minute Belly Ft Blowtorch
  • Joint Rejuvenation: Pain-Free Sanity
  • Get Motivated: Promise, Commitment, Change
  • F4X Automatic Cardio and the Forgotten Key to Leanness
  • Transformation Sensation: Breaking Out of the Chub Club
  • The F4X Shape Workout: Lard-To-Hard Blast-Off
  • The F4X All-Dumbbell Workout Instant At-Home, New Body Solution
  • Lean-Machine Diet Facts and Fallacies
  • Eat More, Lose Fat, Build Muscle
  • The Truth About Alcohol: Not Too Bad After All
  • Your Three Key Fat-To-Muscle Supplements
  • Q&A
  • Advanced Training: The Full-Range Build Workout

In the main manual, you receive everything there is to know about the program, the science it’s based on, the regimes, and more. For example, the first chapter teaches you the foundation of the program, the second chapter teaches you a belly-burning workout regime, the third teaches you movements you can do for joint rejuvenation and so on and so forth. Each chapter comes with an abundance of valuable knowledge, tips, steps and exercises that are largely based on increasing reps and taking shorter breaks, instead of lifting heavy weights.  You learn helpful hacks for finding the motivation to get started and to stay committed, scientific facts about weight lifting and the benefits it can have, movements for toning instead of strengthening, and so much more. There are plenty of pictures and diagrams that show you the steps, and you even get nutritional advice, meal plan examples, mental health tips, lifestyle tips, workout plans and more.

old school new body table of contents
The table of contents for Old School New Body PDF.

Quick Start Workout Guide

  • Introduction
  • The F4X Method
  • Lean Beginner Break-In
  • Lean Workout – M-W-F
  • Lean Workout Add-Ons
  • Shape Workout 1: Monday
  • Shape Workout 2: Wednesday
  • Shape Workout 3: Friday
  • Shape Workout Tips and Reminders
  • Build Workout 1: Monday: Chest, Back, Abs
  • Build Workout 2: Tuesday: Quads, Hams, Calves
  • Build Workout 3: Wednesday: Shoulders, Arms
  • Build Workout 4: Friday: Legs, Chest, Back
  • Intensity Uptick

With this guide, you receive a quick breakdown of the most important parts of the program so you can get started right away. It provides you with a brief introduction to the workout regime and the three different levels that you’ll be working through, which are lean, shape and build.  Then, it provides you the F4X method in four simple steps, or rather ‘sets’, as well as a beginner break-in plan for the next 5 weeks. This guide also comes with detailed diagrams and details of the workout plans provided so you can take a look and know exactly what to do.

For example, the Lean workout for Monday, Wednesday and Friday has a list of exercises, sets and reps, diagrams of each and a slot for you to write in the weight used. These can also be printed out and used to keep track of your progress.

You also receive several bonuses for free just for signing up for the program. These are separate from Old School New Body but as you can see from the list below, they help you achieve similar goals:

  • Free Bonus #1: Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets
  • Free Bonus #2: Ultimate Muscle-Building Secrets
  • Free Bonus #3: Ultimate Sex and Anti-Aging Secrets
  • Free Bonus #4: Ultimate Health and Happiness Secrets
  • Free Bonus #5: Audio Interviews
  • Free Bottle #6: Heal-N-Soothe Lotion
  • Free Bonus #7: Best-Selling Anti-Aging Workout DVD
  • Free Bonus #8: How to Reverse Arthritis Book

 The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • Designed to work for the mind and body of a 40+ year old
  • Focuses on joint rejuvenation
  • Aims to provide you with the motivation needed to get started
  • Helps burn stubborn body fat, strengthen joints, slow down the aging process and build lean muscle
  • Can be used by beginners or people who haven’t worked out in a long time
  • Highly based on clinical studies and science
  • Can be used by men and women
  • Provides you with incredible knowledge on how the mind and body changes and how food and exercise can make you look and feel young again
  • Helps you exercise without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints (and body)
  • You only need to spend 90 minutes a week 
  • Comes with a regime that can be used at the gym or with access to gym equipment, as well as an alternative plan that just uses dumbbells and bodyweight
  • Digital version provides you with instant access immediately after purchase
  • Content can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for easy use anytime, anywhere
  • Comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Disadvantages of the Program

One of the great things about Old School New Body is that the entire program is digital, which provides you with instant access immediately after purchase and the option to download it onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for use anytime, anywhere. However, since it is digital, a physical hardcopy doesn’t get mailed out to you. Although, you can always print off the manuals on your own or at your local print shop to have a printed version.


Old School New Body is the ultimate program for learning how to get in shape after the age of 40 without spending hours at the gym each day doing intense cardio regimes and following a super limiting diet that used to work for you back in your 20s and 30s. It’s a revolutionary anti-aging exercise program designed specifically for people over the age of 40 who want to get back to looking and feeling like their younger selves again. The regime is 100% natural and highly based on scientific and clinical studies supporting how the exercises and nutritional information provided can have a significant effect on the mind and body as it gets older. It only requires approximately 90 minutes each week and can be done right from the comfort of your own home. You can even give it a try for two months and see what you think, as the program is backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

download old school new body pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any stores that I can find the program in?

The program is digital and sold exclusively on the website, so you won’t be able to find it in a bookstore or something similar. However, it does come with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can see what it’s all about risk-free for two months. The digital version also comes with immediate access and lifetime updates, and can be downloaded onto your tech devices for use anytime, anywhere. You can also download and print off the guides to have your own personal hardcopy.

Is the regime safe for people over 40?

It certainly should be since it’s based on scientific and clinical studies regarding nutrition and exercise for people over the age of 40. However, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, you may wish to consult with a doctor prior to getting started. You can also start out slow and with lighter weight.  After all, you have two months to try it out, risk-free.

Will I need access to any gym equipment or extra tools?

You will need some equipment to use the program, such as a pair of dumbbells, adjustable weight bench, barbell, cable crossover machine, and a lat pulldown machine. These can all be found at a gym or you can use a multi-functional workout machine that has all of these things built into one. If you do not have access to a gym or this type of equipment, you can still use the program as it provides you with an alternate plan that uses static exercises and dumbbells.

Are there any discount codes available?

The authors have not released any official discounts for the program. Instead, it’s listed at a discounted price to begin with. However, if this were to change, it would be announced on the official website.


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(as of 26th July 2024)