What Is Venlafaxine? What are its uses?

Venlafaxine, sold under the brandname Effexor among others, is an antidepressant of the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) class. The drug is prescribed to treat social Anxiety , panic disorder and major Depression disorder. Venlafaxine treats clinical depression in adults and anxiety disorders. Off-label, It Is used to treat post-traumatic disorder (PTSD), premenstrual disorder and PMDD. Venlafaxine works by increasing levels of serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain. Chemicals called neurotransmitters help transmit signals between nerve cell. Venlafaxine helps improve mood by increasing levels of two neurotransmitters.

Venlafaxine: Uses and Benefits

Venlafaxine can be used to treat social anxiety, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Sometimes it is used for chronic fatigue, irritable-bowel syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), fibromyalgia and irritable-bowel syndrome. Venlafaxine was shown in clinical studies to reduce the severity of depression symptoms, such as feelings of sadness, guilt, or worthlessness. It also reduced sleep issues and appetite changes. Venlafaxine is also effective at treating anxiety disorders. It reduces symptoms like worry, restlessness and fear.

Venlafaxine: What are the Benefits?

Venlafaxine is said to have several benefits. There are several benefits of taking venlafaxine.

Venlafaxine Side Effects

Venlafaxine, like all other medications can have side effects. Side effects can include headaches, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness. Some serious side effects include an increased risk of suicide thoughts, mania and seizures. Withdrawal symptoms may also occur if you suddenly stop taking the drug. Before starting venlafaxine treatment, it is vital to discuss any possible side effects with your doctor.

Venlafaxine: Experts and professionals' opinions

Experts and professionals alike agree that venlafaxine is a great option to treat depression and anxiety. Researchers concluded in a Journal of Affective Disorders study that venlafaxine is "well tolerated" and "effective for short-term treatments of major depression disorder and anxiety disorders." Another study , published in Journal of Psychiatric Research found that venlafaxine significantly reduced symptoms of major depression disorder compared to placebo.

Venlafaxine: How To Get Started

It is vital to consult your doctor before taking venlafaxine. You doctor can determine whether venlafaxine will work for you, and prescribe the appropriate dose. In general, the first dose is 75mg per day divided into two doses. Your doctor will adjust the dose based on how you respond to the drug. Venlafaxine comes in tablet, capsule, or extended-release form. The drug is taken with or without food, usually once a day.


Venlafaxine can be an effective option to treat depression and anxiety. Serotonin, and norepinephrine are the two neurotransmitters that it increases in the brain. It can improve your mood, and help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Venlafaxine can have side effects, but many professionals and experts agree it is a useful treatment. Before starting a venlafaxine treatment, it's important to consult your doctor to make sure that this is the best treatment option for you..