What is Taurine?

It is an amino-acid that occurs naturally in our bodies, as well as in fish and meat. Most commonly, it is used in dietary supplements to treat various conditions such as Anxiety, high blood pressure and Diabetes . Anti-inflammatory properties are also thought to be present, and can help those with joint Inflammation or pain.

Taurine is receiving much attention in the media due to all of its purported health benefits. Taurine has been shown in numerous studies to reduce heart disease and stroke risk, as well as improve cognitive functions. Taurine has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms in some studies . Taurine is also linked with improved athletic performance and energy.

Taurine: Its Benefits

Researchers have extensively studied the purported benefits taurine in recent years. According to a review of literature, taurine supplements may improve cognitive functions, reduce depression symptoms, reduce stroke risk, reduce cardiovascular disease, and lower the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Taurine is also linked with improved athletic performance and energy.

The anti-inflammatory properties of taurine could also be helpful for people who suffer from inflammation or joint pain. Taurine can also reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, which may lead to an improvement in overall health. Taurine is also linked with improved muscle recovery and growth, so it could prove beneficial to athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The benefits of Taurine are summarized as follows:

Taurine: Experts' opinions

Taurine is believed to have potential benefits for health, although more research will be needed in order to understand the full extent of its impact. Taurine, according to Dr. Michael Greger a physician, is an essential nutrient that is beneficial to the body. It is also believed to benefit heart, brain, and immune health.

Taurine is a vital nutrient, according to Dr. Andrew Weil. He's a well-known integrative medicine specialist. He suggests taking up to 5 grams of taurine per day if you have specific concerns.

Dr. Oz is an internationally known cardiothoracic surgery and television personality. He believes taurine can be a valuable addition to your diet. Taurine, he believes can reduce heart disease risk and stroke. It also improves cognitive function as well as reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Taurine: How To Get Started

You can purchase supplements of taurine at health food shops or online. Taurine is recommended at 500 milligrams a day. However, some health experts suggest up to 2 grams if you are concerned about your general health. Before taking supplements, it is best to speak with your doctor.

You can find taurine in many foods such as eggs, milk, fish, shellfish and dairy products. It is always important to read the instructions on any supplements and speak with your doctor prior to taking them.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to Taurine?

When taken at the recommended dose, taurine is considered to be safe. However, higher dosages may cause some unwanted side effects. Headaches, nausea, vomiting diarrhea, dizziness and agitation are some of the side effects. Before taking any supplements, it is best to speak with your doctor. This is especially important if you already have medical problems.

There is insufficient evidence that taurine is safe for women who are pregnant or nursing. Taurine can also interact with certain medications, so people taking them should check with their doctors before taking it.


It is a naturally occurring amino acid that can be found both in food and in our bodies. Most commonly, it is used in dietary supplements to treat various conditions such as anxiety, high blood pressure and diabetes. Anti-inflammatory properties are also thought to be present, and can help those with joint inflammation or pain.

Researchers have studied taurine for its purported benefits. These include reduced cardiovascular risk and strokes, better cognitive function, decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhanced athletic performance, higher energy levels, more restful sleep, an anti-inflammatory effect, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and increased muscle recovery.

When taken at the recommended doses, taurine is considered to be safe. However, higher dosages may cause side effects. Consult your doctor before you take any supplements, particularly if there are any medical conditions that may already exist.

Taurine is a dietary supplement that has been shown to provide a number of health benefits. Further research is required to understand taurine's effects. Before taking taurine, those who are considering it should speak to a health professional.
