What is Inositol?

Inositol, a carbohydrate found naturally in fruits and grains is one of the most common carbohydrates. Also known as Vitamin B8. This vitamin is vital for many bodily functions including nerve cell function, metabolism and cell signaling. Inositol is being studied to see if it can support a healthy mood, as well as help manage conditions such anxiety, depression and PCOS.

Inositol: What others have said

In recent years, Inositol's potential benefits for health have gained attention. It has been shown in studies that Inositol can help to reduce anxiety, depression and improve fertility. Inositol is also believed to help regulate blood sugar and aid in weight loss by some. Inositol has been gaining popularity as a supplement, even though more research needs to be done.

Inositol: What are the Benefits?

Inositol has been shown to have positive effects in studies . Inositol supporters claim it helps to:

Inositol is also being studied to see if it can protect the brain and prevent neurodegenerative disease. It has been suggested by studies that Inositol may improve cognitive and memory function. More research is required to confirm the findings.

Inositol: Experts and Professionals' Opinions

Inositol has been deemed safe by experts and is well tolerated. Inositol has been shown to be beneficial in treating mental conditions such as depression and anxiety. Inositol is not recommended for treating any mental condition until more research has been done. In addition, some research suggests that inositol could be beneficial in treating PCOS. However, more studies are needed.

Inositol: How to Start?

Inositol comes in powder or capsule form. It is recommended to take 500-2,000 mg per day. You should consult your doctor before using inositol as certain drugs may react with it. Inositol should be taken with food in order to minimize the risk of side effects.

Inositol can be found in many health food shops and online. In addition, inositol can be purchased as a supplement that is specifically designed for certain conditions such PCOS. You should only buy a supplement of high quality from a manufacturer you trust.

Inositol Side Effects or Drawbacks: What Should You Know?

Inositol, as a whole, is generally considered to be safe and well tolerated. Some people, however, may suffer from mild side effects such as headaches, nausea and diarrhea. Inositol in high doses can also cause low blood glucose levels. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication it is best to consult your doctor before using inositol.


Inositol, a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in many food products, is an essential nutrient. This carbohydrate is vital for many bodily processes and it has been researched for its ability to promote a healthy mood, as well as help manage conditions such anxiety, depression and PCOS. It has been suggested by studies that inositol may reduce anxiety, depression and improve fertility. Inositol is also believed to help regulate blood sugar and weight. Inositol, as a whole, is well tolerated and considered to be safe. It is still important to consult your doctor before using inositol, if you are suffering from any medical condition or taking medication.

Summary: Inositol has a variety of health benefits. These include reducing anxiety, depression and improving fertility. It may also lower cholesterol. Inositol has been recognized for its health benefits, but more research needs to be done.
