Reishi mushroom is a type of mushroom.

Reishi, or Ganoderma lucidum (also known as Lingzhi), is a mushroom that has been used for centuries in Chinese Traditional Medicine . The medicinal properties of the mushroom are believed to boost immunity and enhance overall health. Chinese herbalists have used it for centuries for its purported medicinal properties. It is now becoming popular in the West.

Reishi mushrooms have become more popular in recent years due to their health benefits. In a study that was published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the researchers found the mushroom to have possible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as antiviral and hepatoprotective properties. Researchers also believe the reishi mushrooms may reduce Anxiety and fatigue, as well as stress. Researchers also believe that it has anti-tumor, and immunomodulatory qualities.

Reishi Mushroom: Benefits and purported uses

Reishi mushrooms are said to have a variety of health benefits. It has been suggested by studies that reishi mushroom may alleviate conditions like cancer, hypertension and liver disease. Reishi mushrooms have also been used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome. Reishi mushroom is believed to improve cognitive function, and reduce depression symptoms.

Reishi mushrooms are also thought to possess anti-aging benefits. Reishi mushrooms have been shown to help improve skin elasticity, and prevent wrinkles. The mushroom is believed to improve energy, boost immunity and help Digestion .

Reishi mushrooms are also said to have other benefits, including:

Reishi Mushroom: Experts' opinions

The experts are split on whether reishi mushrooms work. Some experts claim that the evidence is insufficient to use reishi as a remedy for any disease. Although studies have shown that the mushroom could potentially be beneficial to health, further research is required.

Dr. Andrew Weil is an integrative medical specialist and the author of "Self Healing". He believes that reishi mushrooms may have health benefits but warns that more research needs to be done. He advises caution in taking reishi mushrooms, because it may interact with some medications or cause adverse effects. Consult a health professional prior to taking the reishi mushrooms.

Robert Rountree MD, professor of medicine at University of Colorado School of Medicine believes that the reishi mushrooms may offer some health benefits. He cautions, however, that many claims about the reishi mushrooms are unsupported by science. It is best to consult a doctor before taking the reishi mushrooms, since it may interact with some medications.

Reishi Mushroom: How to start?

It is best to consult your doctor before trying the reishi. You can get advice from your doctor on the dosage, side effects, and safety. Reishi mushrooms are available in capsules, teas and powders.

Experts recommend that you start with a small dose and increase it gradually over time. Your age, weight and general health will determine the recommended dose. Also, it is important that you follow all instructions found on the label. Reishi mushrooms should be taken on an empty tummy for best results.

Reishi mushrooms are widely available both online and at health food shops. Reishi mushrooms should only be purchased from trusted sources, since there have been reports about counterfeits.

What are the side effects or disadvantages of Reishi Mushroom?

Reishi mushrooms are generally considered to be safe by most people. It is still important to consult your doctor before taking the reishi mushrooms, because it may interact with some medications. Other side effects include dizziness and nausea.

Reishi mushrooms can also interfere with certain drugs, including blood thinners or chemotherapy. Reishi mushrooms can also lower your blood sugar, which is why it's important to check if you take Diabetes medication.


Reishi is an edible, medicinal mushroom that has been used for centuries in Chinese traditional medicine. Health benefits are believed to include reducing inflammation and increasing blood circulation. It is also believed to possess anti-aging qualities. More research is required to determine the health benefits that reishi mushrooms may have.

It is essential to consult your doctor before taking the reishi mushrooms. Reishi mushrooms are generally considered safe by most, however it may interact with some medications or cause adverse effects. It is also important to buy reishi mushrooms from a trusted supplier.

Reishi mushrooms may have some health benefits. However, more studies are needed to understand their effects. It is vital to speak with your doctor before taking the reishi mushrooms.
