Grape Seed Overview

Since ancient times, grape seeds have been used in medicine. They are byproducts of wine production. Recent attention has been drawn to the potential benefits of grape seeds, from enhancing cardiovascular health to improving skin. It is thought that grape seed extract contains many Antioxidants which can support your overall health. The article below will give you an overview on grape seed extract, its benefits and how it is used.

What is grape seed extract?

Grape seed extract comes from ground, dried and roasted seeds. The polyphenols in grape seed extract are believed to have the health benefits. Polyphenols are proanthocyanidins flavonoids and phenolic acid. These compounds vary in concentration depending on how they are extracted.

You can use grape seed extract topically or as a supplement. The potential benefits of grape seed extract have been extensively studied, such as its ability to promote healthy skin, improve heart health and reduce Inflammation .

Grape Seed: Benefits and Uses

The grape seed extract has a number of benefits for health, such as:

Grape seed extract can also boost your immune system, and may protect you from certain cancers.

Grape seed: Expert Opinions

More research is required to understand all the health benefits that grape seed extract could offer. Some experts, however, believe it may offer some health benefits. As an example, Dr. Melina jampolis, a physician and nutritionist, thinks that grape seed oil may improve heart health by reducing inflammation, as well as protecting against free radical damage.

Dr. Mark Hyman is a specialist in functional medicine and believes grape seed extract can offer many health benefits. These include improved circulation, reduced inflammation, etc. He suggests taking between 100 and 300 mg grape seed extract daily for health benefits.

What to Do With Grapeseed

You can buy grape seed extract in many different forms including tablets, capsules, topical creams and tinctures. You can find it in many food products, such as jams, salad dressings and juices.

It is very important that you follow all instructions when taking grape seed supplements. Experts recommend 100-300mg per day to achieve general health benefits. Before taking any supplement, it is important to consult a health professional.

When using topical creams it's best to massage the cream into clean, dry, skin. Follow the directions on the product label. If you have questions, speak with a health professional.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to grape seed?

When taken at recommended dosages, grape seed extract can be considered to be safe. It is best to consult a doctor before using it as certain drugs may cause it to interact and have side effects. Some people may experience digestive upset, headaches, or dizziness.

Grape seed extract is not recommended for people who are allergic to grapes, or any other member of the grapefamily. It is essential to consult a medical professional if you suffer from allergies or other conditions.


The grape seed extract may have a variety of benefits for your health, from skin health to cardiovascular health. Experts agree that more research will be needed to understand the potential benefits of grape seed extract. It is essential to read the labels and consult a doctor before taking supplements containing grape seed extract.

Grape seed extract has a variety of health benefits. These include improved cardiovascular health and reduced inflammation. It may also promote healthy skin. It is best to consult a doctor before taking supplements.
