What is Muira Puama

Muira Puama or Ptychopetalum Olacoides is an Amazonian shrub. The indigenous population of this region has used it for centuries to treat various ailments. It is now becoming popular with westerners due to the purported benefits. Traditional medicines are made from the bark, leaves, and roots of this plant. Extracts are used for supplements and health products.

Muira Puama is touted by many as a cure for a variety of health problems, such as fatigue, Erectile Dysfunction , poor cognition, and low libido. Its supporters claim it improves energy, mental clarity and physical performance. There is evidence that suggests it could have some benefits. However, further research is required to verify these claims.

Muira Puama: Benefits & Pretensions

Researchers have found that Muira Puama has several health benefits.

These findings may be promising but more research will need to be done in order to prove the effectiveness of muira Puama. Experts warn against taking muira Puama while pregnant or nursing, since there are not enough studies to prove its safety.

Muira Puama: Experts' opinions

Most experts agree that muira Puama can be helpful for some conditions. They caution, however, that further research is required to fully understand its full effects and side effects. It is also recommended that you consult your doctor before taking it, because it could interact with other medications or cause negative side effects.

Mark Blumenthal is the executive director and founder of the American Botanical Council. He says: "I think that muira Puama has some potential in terms of its ability to increase sexual performance and libido. More research is required to fully understand the effects of muira puama and its potential side effects.

Chris Kilham is a medicine-hunter and the author of The Five Tiger Herbs. He says: "Muira Puama has long been used to boost sexual energy and vitality. It's crucial to only use this herb under the supervision of a medical professional.

Muira Puama: How to Get started

Consult your doctor before trying muira Puama. You can get advice from your doctor on dosage, side effects and interactions.

Muira Puama can be purchased as either a powder or capsule. You can find it in topical creams, tinctures and teas. It varies according to the type and use, but is typically between 500-2000mg per day. Start with a low dose, and increase it gradually to determine the right amount for you.

You can find Muira Puama in online stores as well as health food shops. Look for supplements of high quality that do not contain additives or preservatives. Read the labels and instructions carefully.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to Muira Puama?

Muira Puama, when taken as prescribed, is considered to be safe. Some people experience minor side effects, such as headaches, nausea and dizziness. Muira Puama is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers, since its safety hasn't been proven . Muira Puama can interact with some medications. It is therefore important that you consult your doctor prior to taking the supplement.


Muira Puama, a native shrub of the Amazon Rainforest that is used since centuries to treat various ailments. Recent studies suggest that this shrub may provide a number of health benefits including increasing sexual performance, improving libido and energy, as well as reducing inflammation. More research will be needed to confirm the findings. Consult your doctor before trying muira Puama. Muira Puama, when taken as prescribed, is considered to be safe. However it may cause minor side effects and interact with some medications.

Muira Puama has several health benefits that need to be confirmed by further research . Consult your doctor before trying muira Puama to find out the correct dosage, and ensure it doesn't interfere with other medication you are taking.
