Magnesium: What Are its Health Benefits?

Our bodies require magnesium to stay healthy. Magnesium is essential for many bodily processes, including muscle relaxation and blood sugar regulation. Magnesium is important in a variety of physiological processes such as nerve function, metabolism, bone health and many more. It is not surprising that magnesium has attracted so much attention and research .

Many studies have suggested that magnesium can reduce cardiovascular risk, improve mood and relieve symptoms of depression and Anxiety. There is also evidence to suggest that magnesium can help prevent Diabetes , and reduce the risk of cancer. According to studies , magnesium can also help reduce fatigue and improve the quality of sleep.

What is the best way to start using magnesium?

RDA for magnesium for adults is between 300mg and 420mg per day for men, 270mg to 320mg daily for women. The optimal magnesium dosage will depend on the individual's needs. It is best to speak with a physician before you take any supplements. Magnesium is naturally found in dark greens, nuts and seeds as well as certain fish. It can be obtained as dietary supplements, such as capsules or tablets.

It is best to begin with a low dose of magnesium and increase it over time. You should stop using the magnesium supplement if you feel any negative side effects such as diarrhoea or nausea. Instead, consult a doctor about your options.

What are the side effects or drawbacks of Magnesium?

Magnesium is generally considered to be safe when consumed in the recommended doses. It is however possible to take too much magnesium. This can cause serious side effects, such as confusion and low blood pressure. It is therefore important to speak with a physician before taking any supplements. People with kidney issues should also avoid taking magnesium supplements, as these can lead to further complications.

Those who have a sufficient level of magnesium may experience unwanted side effects, such as nausea, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Some people also experience an unpleasing metallic taste or a decreased appetite. It is important to seek medical attention if these symptoms occur.


It is important to maintain optimal health. Many studies have shown that magnesium can reduce cardiovascular risk, improve mood and lower the chance of cancer. Magnesium is available in food or as dietary supplements. It's important to begin with the lowest dose possible and consult a doctor if you experience any side effects.

Magnesium is an important nutrient with a wide range of benefits. It is essential to use it at the right doses, and to consult a physician before using any supplements. Magnesium can promote good health when used correctly.
