Cascara is a type of sycamore.

Cascara is also called coffee cherry tea and it's a drink made with the outer dried skins of coffee cherries. The drink has been consumed in Central and South America for hundreds of years as a medicinal beverage. It is now gaining worldwide popularity due to the potential benefits. Cascara contains Antioxidants , vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to overall health.

Cascara's potential health benefits have recently been highlighted in news stories and social media. It has been shown in studies that Cascara may improve Digestion , decrease Inflammation and boost the immune system. Antioxidant and anti-aging qualities have also been discovered, and may protect against chronic illnesses such as heart disease and Diabetes . Some anecdotal reports suggest that cascara can help reduce fatigue and weight.

Cascara: Its alleged benefits

Cascara's purported health benefits are due in large part to the high concentrations of polyphenols and antioxidants. It is well known that antioxidants help to neutralize the free radicals, which are harmful to cells and can contribute to chronic disease. It is believed that polyphenols can reduce inflammation, and protect you from certain cancer types. Cascara also contains Magnesium , Potassium and essential vitamins and mineral that help to improve health.

Cascara has also been shown to have positive effects on digestion. Cascara has also been shown to reduce gas and bloating and even prevent ulcers. Cascara also has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can boost your immunity.

Cascara is also said to have other benefits.

Cascara: Experts and Professionals' Opinions

Experts and professionals agree that cascara can be a safe and effective way to boost overall wellbeing and health. Certain studies found it to be able to reduce inflammation, fight infections and even protect against some types of cancer. Many people also find it improves digestion and increases their energy.

Cascara is a powerful tool, but it still needs more research to fully understand its potential. Some experts are in favor of its use while others warn that further research is needed before conclusive conclusions about cascara's safety and effectiveness can be drawn.

Cascara: How to Get started

It's best to begin with a small dose of cascara and gradually increase the dosage over time. It is recommended that you take between 5-10 grams dried cascara every day either in the form of a capsule or as tea. Cascara, while generally safe, can have interactions with some medications. It is not recommended to take it without first consulting a healthcare professional.

Simply steep 10 grams of dried cascara for 10 minutes in boiling water. Cascara capsules or tea bags are also available.

Cascara can be found in online and health food retailers. You can find it in specialty restaurants and coffee shops.

What are the side effects or drawbacks?

Cascara, while generally safe, can have side effects for some. Some of these side effects include nausea, headache, upset stomach and diarrhea. Cascara may interact with some medications. It's best to consult your doctor first before using it.

Cascara should not be used by pregnant women or those who are nursing, since there has not been enough research done to prove its safety.


Cascara is a medicinal beverage that has been consumed in Central and South America for many centuries. The potential benefits of cascara include improved digestion and reduced inflammation. It also boosts immunity. Some studies have shown that the herb may also help to protect against cancer, as well as promote healthy hair, skin and nails.

Cascara, although generally safe, should be discussed with your doctor prior to taking, since it may interact with some medications. Cascara should also be avoided by pregnant or nursing women as not enough studies have been done to prove its safety.
