Lisinopril - What you need to know

Lisinopril, also known as Zestril and Prinivil , is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor prescribed to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. The drug is used to prevent heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems.

What is Lisinopril used for?

Lisinopril helps to manage heart failure and reduces blood pressure. The drug belongs to a group of medications called ACE Inhibitors that block the natural enzyme that increases blood pressure. Lisinopril works by blocking the enzyme that can cause blood vessels to narrow, allowing blood to flow more freely and reducing strain on your heart. It can reduce the symptoms of hypertension and help improve your overall health.

Lisinopril: Uses and Benefits

Lisinopril can be used for treating high blood pressure, congestive cardiac failure and other conditions. You can use it to lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular incidents. Studies show that lisinopril helps improve cardiovascular health and reduces the risks of heart disease, death, or hospitalization.

Lisinopril: What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits that lisinopril is said to have. Studies suggest the drug may improve cardiovascular health in general. Research has shown that lisinopril reduces systolic and increases diastolic pressures, and can also reduce stroke and heart attacks. Lisinopril can also reduce the chance of dying from heart-related causes, and the likelihood of being hospitalized due to heart failure. Overall, lisinopril seems to be a safe and effective treatment that can reduce high blood pressure.

Lisinopril Side Effects

However, lisinopril can have some side effects. Some of the most common side effects are headaches, fatigue, nausea and diarrhea. Some of the rarer but more serious side effects are kidney failure, low blood pressure, and liver damage. If you notice any of these symptoms, It Is vital that you speak to your doctor.

Lisinopril: Experts and professionals' opinions

Professionals and experts agree that lisinopril can be an effective treatment to reduce high blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends ACE inhibitors such as lisinopril for those with high blood pressure and heart failure. The American Heart Association also suggests that diabetics take ACE inhibitors to lower their stroke risk. The American Diabetes Association also states that ACE-inhibitors are preferred for those with high blood pressure and diabetes.

What You Need to Know About It

It is very important that you follow your doctor's instructions if lisinopril has been prescribed. In general, you should take lisinopril once daily either with food or without. Your condition, as well as other factors like your age, weight and any other medication you take, will determine the dosage. You should take the lisinopril as directed by your doctor and do not adjust it without first consulting him. It is vital that you contact your doctor if any adverse effects occur.

You should also take it consistently. It can be less effective if you skip doses or don't take it consistently. It is also important to track your blood pressure and to report any changes.


Conclusion: Lisinopril can be an effective, safe and non-toxic treatment to reduce high blood pressure. It also helps manage heart failure. Studies show that lisinopril reduces systolic and diastolic pressures, increases the blood pressure in the diastole, decreases the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular conditions, as well as the chance of dying from cardiovascular reasons. Moreover, lisinopril reduces the likelihood of hospitalization for heart failure. There are some side effects that can be associated with the use of lisinopril. However, these are usually mild and easily manageable. It is vital to closely follow the instructions of your doctor and contact him if any side effects occur.

Lisinopril can be a very effective and safe treatment for heart failure and high blood pressure. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health. Take lisinopril exactly as directed and keep track of any changes in your blood pressure.
