Pygeum: What is it and what are its benefits?

Pygeum, also known as Prunus Africana is a herbal supplement that comes from this African evergreen. For centuries, it has been used to treat urinary and prostate problems in African Traditional Medicine . It has become increasingly popular among people who are health conscious in recent years due to the potential benefits.

Pygeum contains phytosterols, which reduce Inflammation . They also support healthy prostate functions. Pygeum has also been shown to be helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hypoplasia, which is an enlarged prostrate. Pygeum may also help to relieve urinary issues such as incontinence, urgency and frequency.

Pygeum Benefits

Pygeum has been shown to have numerous health benefits.

In a study on humans, taking Pygeum for 3 months led to significant improvement in the symptoms of Bph . In another study , Pygeum reduced inflammation in rats and improved prostate health. These results, while promising, need more study to confirm Pygeum's efficacy.

Opinions from Experts

When taken at recommended dosages, most experts believe that Pygeum can be safely consumed. There are some side effects that you should be aware of. Pygeum has been reported to cause mild headaches and digestive problems. It's always important to consult your doctor prior to starting any new supplements.

Pygeum has been praised by several experts. Pygeum, according to Dr. Mark Moyad MD, MPH a Professor at the University of Michigan believes, could help those with BPH and other prostate problems. He says that "Pygeum appears to be the most effective natural remedy for BPH."

Pygeum: How to Get Started

It's best to consult your doctor before trying Pygeum. You can ask your doctor to help determine the right dosage for Pygeum and make sure it won't interact with other medications that you are currently taking. The recommended dosage is 100-200mg per day.

You can find Pygeum in the form of a supplement at many health food shops and online retailers. Find a product that is made with the best ingredients, and free of fillers or artificial additives. Also, ensure that the label says "standardized" which indicates that it has a constant amount of active ingredient.

What are the side effects or drawbacks of Hypnotherapy?

The general consensus is that pygeum can be used safely and with little side effects. Some people experience minor side effects such as headaches or dizziness. Stop taking Pygeum if you notice any of the above symptoms and consult your doctor.

Pygeum can interact with some medications. Pygeum, for example, may cause bleeding when taken with anticoagulants and antiplatelet medications. If you are taking medication, speak to your doctor prior to starting Pygeum.

Pygeum, a popular herb supplement with many health benefits. It has been suggested by studies that Pygeum may help reduce inflammation and improve the health of your prostate. It's best to consult your doctor first to ensure that Pygeum is right for you.


Pygeum, a herbal supplement derived by Prunus Africana from African evergreen trees is a natural herb. Pygeum is said to support prostate health and reduce inflammation. Pygeum is believed to be helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and improve urinary symptoms. Pygeum may also help reduce inflammation and oxidative stresses, improving overall health. Pygeum, according to most experts, is well tolerated and safe when used in the recommended dosages. However some individuals may experience mild side-effects. Speak to your doctor before trying Pygeum to ensure it is right for you.
