What is Ephedra?

Ephedra is a herbal remedy that comes from the plant ephedra. Since ancient times, it has been used in Chinese Traditional Medicine for a wide range of illnesses, including colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis and respiratory issues. It has become popular as a diet supplement in recent years due to the purported abilities to help with weight loss and improve athletic performance. There are risks to using ephedra, which should be considered before usage.

Ephedra: What others have said

Media has reported extensively on the dangers associated with ephedra. In a 2016 study , published in the Journal of the American Medical Association , it was found that ephedra supplementation increased the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular incidents. U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned about the risks of ephedra.

In addition to the warnings of medical experts and FDA, reports have also been made about serious side effects, such as insomnia, seizures, Anxiety and death, that can be caused by ephedra. The FDA and medical experts have reacted to these reports by introducing stricter rules for the sale of ephedra-containing products.

Ephedra: Benefits and Uses

Some studies indicate that, despite the warnings about ephedra's potential dangers, it can actually be helpful for some people. A 2017 review in Phytotherapy research found that ephedra may be helpful for asthma, allergies and other respiratory disorders. Other studies suggest that ephedra can help improve physical performance, boost energy, and aid in weight loss.

It is, however, important to remember that the effectiveness of ephedra remains inconclusive. The claims about the health benefits of Ephedra are based on limited evidence. Further research is required to understand the potential safety and benefits.

Ephedra: Experts' Opinions

Medical experts are in agreement that further research is required to establish the safety and effectiveness of Ephedra. Before taking ephedra, people should discuss with their doctors the possible risks and benefits. The association also warns people against taking ephedra when they have Diabetes or high blood pressure.

American Dietetic Association recommends that you only use ephedra under the guidance of a healthcare professional. The American Dietetic Association also warns against the use of ephedra to lose weight, since it can cause severe side effects. It is not effective in long-term weight control.

Ephedra: How To Get Started

It is vital to consult your physician before you try using ephedra. You doctor can assess the risks to your health and give you advice on safe supplement use. The dosage of ephedra recommended is 5-25mg per day depending on your health.

Ephedra comes in many forms including tablets, powders and teas. You can buy it online or at health food shops. You should read the labels to ensure you buy a high-quality product with the right dosage.

Also, it is important to know that the FDA does not regulate ephedra. It is therefore not held to the Same safety standards that other supplements and medications are. It is therefore important that you only purchase ephedra if it comes from a reliable source.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to Ephedra?

Ephedra may cause nausea, headaches and dizziness. It can also lead to insomnia. Ephedra can raise blood pressure, and it may interact with certain medications. Ephedra is not recommended for people with hypertension or other medical conditions.

Ephedra is also habit-forming. When taken in high doses it can lead to addiction, withdrawal symptoms and even dependence. It is therefore important that you only use Ephedra as prescribed and do not exceed the recommended dose.


Ephedra is used in Chinese traditional medicine for many years to treat various ailments. It has become popular as a diet supplement in recent years due to the purported abilities to help with weight loss and improve athletic performance. Although some research has been promising, medical experts are in agreement that further research is required to establish the safety and effectiveness of ephedra.

Ephedra does not come without risk, so it's important to consult a doctor before you take the supplement. It is essential to use ephedra in the correct dosage. Also, make sure you are using a high-quality product. You should be aware of any potential negative effects or drawbacks and stop using the product if you experience them.

While ephedra has potential health benefits, you should be informed of its risks prior to taking it. Talk to your doctor about ephedra and research it before deciding if it is for you.
