Cordyceps is a type of plant.

Cordyceps is also called caterpillar mushroom. It is usually found at high altitudes in the Himalayan area. The mushroom has been widely used for centuries in Chinese Traditional Medicine , and its health benefits are gaining popularity among the public. According to some, it has anti-inflammatory properties, is antioxidant and anti-cancer.

Cordyceps is a popular natural remedy that has gained popularity in recent years. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including fatigue, lung disease, kidney issues, and cancer. Cordyceps has been known to improve athletic performance, increase energy, decrease stress and enhance overall health. Cordyceps is referred to as "superfood" in some circles.

Cordyceps: What others have said about it

Cordyceps is receiving much attention in the recent past from media outlets and social media as "miracle remedy" for various illnesses. Its purported immune boosting and anti-cancer effects were highlighted. In an effort to confirm these claims, clinical studies and research were also conducted.

A study in the Journal of Medicinal Food published in 2017 revealed that cordyceps could be useful in cancer treatment due to its immunomodulatory and anti-tumor activities. In 2018, a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food reported that cordyceps may be effective in treating cancer due to its antitumor and immunomodulatory activities.

Cordyceps: The Benefits that are Supposed to be Associated with It

Cordyceps has been said to have many potential health benefits including:

Research is ongoing, even though there are some evidences to support these claims. It is therefore best to speak with a medical professional before using cordyceps as a treatment for any condition.

Cordyceps: Experts and Professionals' Opinions

Cordyceps is believed to be helpful for people with certain conditions. Cordyceps, according to Dr. Andrew Weil (one of the leading integrative doctors in the world), can help people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. For optimal results, he recommends 500 milligrams cordyceps taken twice daily.

Cordyceps is also believed to boost energy levels and help fight infections by Dr. Susan Blum of the Blum Center for Health, Rye Brook in New York. For best results, she also suggests taking 500 mg of cordyceps two times daily.

Many experts warn against taking excessive cordyceps, as this can cause side effects like nausea, upset stomach, and headaches. Consult a health professional prior to taking cordyceps.

Cordyceps: How to Start?

Consult your doctor before trying cordyceps. You can ask your doctor for advice on what type and how much cordyceps you should take. You should be aware that cordyceps come in different forms and have different results. It's best to pick the one most suitable to your situation.

Cordyceps comes in powder, liquid extract, or capsules. Dosage recommendations vary depending on age, weight and condition. Adults should generally take 500 milligrams cordyceps two times a day. For best results, cordyceps must be taken with an empty stomach.

Online stores, pharmacies, and health food shops sell cordyceps. If you want to buy cordyceps from a reliable source, read the labels and make sure that it is a quality product.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to Cordyceps?

Cordyceps, while generally safe, can have some side effects or disadvantages. Cordyceps can cause mild side effects such as headaches, nausea and stomach upset. Cordyceps can also interact with some medications. It's best to check with your doctor before you take this supplement.

Cordyceps should also not be taken by pregnant women or nursing mothers, nor children younger than 18 years of age. Cordyceps can cause allergic reactions in certain people. It's important to be aware of this and monitor the reaction your body has when you take it.


Cordyceps, a mushroom type that is used for traditional Chinese medicine since centuries, has recently gained more attention. The general public is becoming more aware of its health benefits. These include improving athletic performance, increasing immunity and decreasing inflammation. Although there are some evidences to back up these claims, further research is required to confirm them.

It is essential to speak to your doctor before taking cordyceps to find out the best dosage for you. You should also be alert to any possible side effects or disadvantages such as nausea and stomach upset. Cordyceps is a good supplement, but only if it's taken at the correct dosage.
