What Is Chicory? What Are its Benefits and Uses?

The root veggie chicory originated in Europe, North Africa and Asia. The unique taste of this root vegetable is slightly bitter, and it has become a popular ingredient in traditional cuisines around the globe. The leaves are also used to replace spinach and lettuce in salads.

The chicory plant is a rich source of essential nutrients, including Vitamin C , fiber, Manganese and Magnesium . This makes it a delicious addition to a recipe as well as a healthy one. Low in calories and high in Antioxidants makes this a good food to help maintain a healthy body weight.

Chicory's purported benefits have gained more and more popularity in recent years. It has been suggested by studies that chicory may reduce cholesterol, boost Digestion and improve the immune system. Anti-inflammatory properties are also thought to exist, and could reduce the chance of chronic disease.

Chicory: Its Benefits

It is a food that contains many vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. These are some of the purported health benefits.

Experts’ Opinions on Chicory

Most health experts agree that chicory root is nutritious and healthy. A study in Nutrition Research showed that chicory extract reduced LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increased HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the participants. Chicory root extract has also been shown to be able reduce Inflammation among mice in another study .

Dr. Oz is a leading health and cardiologist who recommends chicory for its benefits to the heart. Dr. Oz recommends consuming 1 to 2 tablespoons of extract from chicory roots daily in order to lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

What is Chicory?

There are many ways you can get chicory roots for their health benefits.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to chicory?

Most people consider chicory to be safe, however there are some potential side effects that you should know about. Chicory can cause an upset stomach if it is taken in high quantities. Chicory root may also interact with some medications. It is therefore important that you consult your doctor prior to taking this product.

Chicory roots may also contain compounds known as oxalates that can inhibit the absorption certain minerals such as Iron and calcium. Consuming chicory roots in moderate amounts will help to prevent any issues.


The root of the chicory plant is native to Europe and North Africa. The root vegetable is rich in essential minerals and vitamins that help make it an extremely nutritious food. It has been suggested by studies that chicory root may reduce cholesterol, boost digestion and improve the immune system. Experts like Dr. Oz also recommend including chicory roots in your diet to reap its benefits.

You can start with chicory by purchasing chicory powder, tea, extract or root powder. Although chicory root is considered to be safe in general, you should consume it moderately to prevent any side effects. Chicory roots may have many health benefits. They should be included in a healthy diet.
