What is Beta Alanine? What are the benefits of Beta Alanine?

Beta-alanine, an amino acid, helps increase muscular endurance and reduce fatigue. In small quantities, it is naturally found in foods like beef, chicken and fish. It is used as a supplement by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their performance.

Since its discovery in the year 2000, beta alanine is gaining more and more attention. Numerous clinical studies and other research have shown its benefits, which has fueled the popularity of beta alanine. In one study it was shown that beta-alanine is effective at reducing fatigue, and increasing muscle endurance. It was found that beta alanine also significantly improved exercise performance, and helped build lean muscles mass.

What do experts say about beta-Alanine?

Beta alanine has been lauded by experts for helping people achieve their fitness goals. Sports nutritionist Brad Schoenfeld says that beta alanine is able to improve performance during workouts and to delay fatigue. The sports nutritionist also stated that beta alanine taken before workouts can result in increased levels of power, strength and muscle growth.

Richard Kreider is the director of Baylor University's Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab and he agrees with Schoenfeld. He thinks that beta-alanine can improve athletic performance and is a safe, effective supplement. It can also be used for boosting the immune system and reducing the chance of infection.

What is Beta Alanine and How Can You Use It?

Start with 2-3 grams of glucosamine per day. It is recommended that you take the supplement 30 minutes prior to your exercise. To get the best results, take it along with your meals or snacks. Take it along with a meal or snack that is high in protein if you want to increase muscle mass.

You can choose the powdered version of beta-alanine if you want a convenient form. It's a good option for people who don't want to measure out every dose. Mix the powder with your favourite smoothie or shake and you are good to go.

You can also buy capsules that are already made. They are easy to take and ensure that you receive the correct dosage. It is particularly useful for those who are on a rigid program.

What are the side effects or drawbacks to taking Beta Alanine?

Beta alanine, fortunately, is well tolerated by most people and doesn't cause serious side effects. Most people experience a mild tingling on their skin. This is harmless, and will subside within a few moments. Rarely, some people experience nausea. Beta alanine is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers, as well as those who have kidney or liver issues.

Beta alanine can be a very effective and safe supplement for athletes. It will help them achieve their goal. It increases exercise performance and helps build muscle mass. Take 30 minutes before exercising with a high-protein snack or meal. It is well tolerated when taken as directed and has no serious side effects.
