Terazosin: What Is It and How Can You Use it?

Terazosin is also known as Hytrin and it's a prescription drug used to treat hypertension, which is high blood pressure. This medication belongs to the alpha-blocker class, which works by relaxing muscles on the blood vessel walls so your blood can flow easier. It helps reduce your blood pressure and your chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Terazosin is also prescribed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which causes an enlarged gland in the prostate. This medication relaxes the muscles in the prostate. It can improve symptoms of BPH, such as the frequent need to urinate, a weak stream and a desire to urinate during the night.

Terazosin: Benefits and Side Effects

Terazosin has been shown to be effective for treating hypertension as well as BPH. One study found that patients who had hypertension and took terazosin saw a reduction in systolic/diastolic pressures after six weeks. Another study showed that BPH men who were treated with terazosin experienced a marked improvement in urinary symptoms.

Terazosin, in addition to being therapeutically beneficial, may have protective effects for the kidneys and heart. According to studies , taking terazosin can help lower the risk for cardiovascular disease in hypertensive people.

Terazosin Side Effects

Terazosin can cause side effects, just like any other medication. Some of the most common side effects are nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Other less common side effects are chest pain, swelling in the hands or feet, breathing difficulties, and rash.

If you have any unwanted side effects, it's vital to tell your doctor. If necessary, your doctor will adjust the dosage of terazosin or prescribe a new medication.

Terazosin: Experts' Opinions

Most experts agree that Terazosin can be used to treat hypertension or BPH. The drug has been shown to be well tolerated with very few reported side effects. Most doctors recommend that you start with a small dose, and then increase it as necessary.

Some experts warn against the use of terazosin by certain groups, including pregnant women and people with heart problems. Before starting any new medications, it's best to consult your doctor.

Terazosin: How to Get Started

You will first need to see your doctor and have a medical examination. You doctor can help you determine if terazosin will work for you and what dosage to use. You can get terazosin from your pharmacy once your doctor prescribes it.

It Is important that you follow the instructions of your doctor when taking Terazosin. Take the medicine exactly as directed, typically once daily. You should also monitor your blood-pressure regularly, and notify your doctor of any changes.

What are the side effects of taking a dietary supplement?

Terazosin can have certain adverse effects. Some of these side effects include nausea, dizziness and headaches, as well as diarrhea and constipation. You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.

Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant should also consult their doctor before taking terazosin. This medication should not be taken by people with heart problems.


Terazosin, a medication prescribed by a doctor to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and hypertension. The drug has been shown to be effective at reducing blood-pressure and improving symptoms of BPH. Terazosin also may protect the kidneys and heart, but more studies are needed to confirm that.

Terazosin has a generally good safety profile and is well tolerated. It can have certain side effects. Therefore, you should consult your doctor prior to starting this medication. If you have any adverse reactions while using terazosin it is important that you contact your physician immediately.
