Sumatriptan - What is it? What are the uses of this drug?

Sumatriptan is also called Imitrex and it's used for migraine headaches. The drug belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin agonists. It reduces inflammation and pain associated with migraines. Sumatriptan comes in tablet form and as an injection. Sumatriptan is used in conjunction with other drugs to manage migraine symptoms.

Millions of people suffer from migraines. The symptoms include a severe headache, nausea and vomiting, as well as sensitivity to sound and light. Sometimes, auras or visual disturbances can also occur. Migraines are debilitating, and they can last hours or days. Migraines can interfere with daily life and be debilitating for some.

Sumatriptan: Its Uses

Sumatriptan is effective at treating acute migraine. It has been shown in studies that sumatriptan reduces headache severity, shortens pain relief time, and decreases headache duration. Sumatriptan can also be used for cluster headaches.

Sumatriptan can also be used to treat headaches that are not listed on the label, including tension headaches and sinus headaches. It Is even prescribed for menstrual headaches. Other conditions such as abdominal pain, facial pain and post-traumatic migraines can also be treated with this medication.

Sumatriptan: What are the Benefits?

Studies have shown that sumatriptan is more effective at treating migraines than placebo. Sumatriptan's most common side-effects are nausea, muscle pain, and dizziness. Sumatriptan has also been shown to reduce migraine attack frequency and severity in studies .

Sumatriptan is also effective in treating other headaches. It may reduce the severity and frequency of migraines and tension headaches. Sumatriptan can also relieve facial pain, post-traumatic headaches and migraines.

Sumatriptan Side Effects

Sumatriptan, when used as prescribed, is safe and generally well tolerated. There are however some side effects that may occur with this drug. Side effects are common and include dizziness, nausea, and pain in the muscles. Chest pain, an irregular heartbeat and difficulty breathing are more serious side effects. Contact a medical professional immediately if any of these symptoms occur.

Sumatriptan can also cause allergic reactions, seizures and strokes. Sumatriptan should be taken with caution by people who have certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure or kidney, liver, or heart disease. Pregnant women, people breastfeeding and those with kidney or liver disease should also consult their doctors before using sumatriptan.

Sumatriptan: Expert opinions or professional advice

Sumatriptan has been proven to be an effective migraine treatment by experts. Sumatriptan is most effective when taken as soon after the migraine attack as possible. Sumatriptan can be combined with anti-nausea medications to reduce migraine symptoms.

Sumatriptan, according to experts, is an effective and safe treatment for migraines. Take the medicine exactly as directed and seek medical attention if you experience any side effects.

Sumatriptan: How to Start?

Sumatriptan comes in both tablet and injectable forms. It is recommended that you take 50-100mg per dose as soon after migraine symptoms as possible. Tablets can be consumed with or without eating. Injections are administered intramuscularly.

Sumatriptan can be obtained with the prescription of your physician. In some countries, it is available without a prescription. Follow your doctor's advice when you take sumatriptan.


Sumatriptan can be used to treat migraine headaches. When taken according to instructions, it is safe and generally well tolerated. Take the medicine exactly as directed and seek medical attention if you experience any side effects. Sumatriptan may be combined with other drugs to reduce migraine symptoms.
