What is Prometrium?

Prometrium, a trademark name of Progesterone (a hormone that is produced by the ovaries), is an important product. The hormone progesterone is important in the regulation of menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Doctors usually prescribe it to women who have irregular periods, are infertile, or suffer from menopausal symptom such as night sweats, hot flashes, etc. Sometimes It Is used to lower the chances of miscarriage or preterm delivery.

Both oral capsules as well as suppositories are available for Prometrium. Oral capsules should be taken daily while suppositories can be inserted in the vagina at night. Prometrium can be taken either with a meal or snack.

Prometrium: Uses and Benefits

Most commonly, Prometrium helps women who have irregular menstrual periods or no period at all. Prometrium works by increasing progesterone levels in the body. This helps regulate menstrual cycles and prevents miscarriage. The drug can also be used by women with difficulty getting pregnant to stimulate ovulation.

Prometrium was also studied to see if it could be used in the treatment of menopause symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes. Prometrium taken daily can reduce the severity of these symptoms, according to studies . Some studies also suggest that Prometrium can reduce your risk of osteoporosis following menopause.

Prometrium: Benefits

Prometrium Side Effects

Prometrium can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Other side effects include breast tenderness and headache. Other less common side effects are Depression , Anxiety and Insomnia . Other women can experience serious side effects, such as chest pain, shortness or breath, swelling in the hands and feet, vision changes, jaundice.

Views of experts on Prometrium

Prometrium, according to most experts, is an effective and safe treatment for women with irregular menstrual periods, infertility and menopausal syndromes. Prometrium is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, because it can harm the child. It is also important to consult your doctor prior to starting any medication, particularly one that involves hormones.

Prometrium: How To Get Started

Your doctor will determine the dosage that is right for you if you decide Prometrium treatment is for you. Orally, 100-200 mg is the usual dose. Insert one suppository each evening at bedtime if you're using the suppository. Prometrium should be taken exactly as directed. Too much or too little can affect the effectiveness.

It is possible to purchase Prometrium in many pharmacies. However, it's important to confirm with your insurer if your plan covers it. Prometrium may be available online from a licensed pharmacist.


It is an effective and safe treatment for women with irregular menstrual periods, menopausal syndromes, or infertility. Prometrium works by increasing progesterone levels in the body. This helps regulate menstrual cycles and prevents miscarriages. The drug may be prescribed to women with difficulty getting pregnant or for the relief of symptoms associated with menopause. You can buy Prometrium in capsule or suppository forms. Follow your doctor's instructions. Talk to your doctor about whether Prometrium will be the best treatment for you.
