Orlistat is a drug that can be used to treat obesity.

Orlistat is a weight loss medication that's also sold under the brand name Xenical . Lipase inhibitor, which means that it stops the enzyme responsible for breaking down fats in the intestinal tract. It reduces fat absorption from food, resulting in weight loss.

Orlistat: Uses and Benefits

Orlistat has been shown to be an effective weight loss aid. Patients taking Orlistat on average lost 9. 9% of body weight compared with those who took a placebo. Orlistat is a weight-loss aid that can help you lose weight.

Orlistat is approved for adults who have a BMI greater than 30 (or a BMI greater than 27) or with an additional medical condition, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension. Orlistat is approved to be used by adolescents with obesity aged 12- 17.

Orlistat: Benefits purported

Orlistat has many other benefits besides helping you lose weight. Orlistat may help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Orlistat users had lower type 2 diabetes risk than non-users, according to studies . Reduced blood pressure, and reduced risk of heart disease are also potential benefits.

Orlistat can also help to improve cholesterol levels. Orlistat users showed improved HDL levels and lower LDL levels in studies . Orlistat may help improve heart health.

Orlistat Side Effects

Orlistat can have side effects, just like any other medication. Most common are stomach problems such as flatulence and discomfort. Headaches, fatigue, and increased urination are also possible side effects.

Orlistat may also affect the absorption fat-soluble vitamin A, D E and K. It Is therefore important that people who take Orlistat follow a healthy diet and supplement with multivitamins to get adequate quantities of these vitamins.

Experts or professionals' opinions on Orlistat

Orlistat is generally regarded as an effective weight-loss tool by experts. They caution, however, that Orlistat should be part of an overall weight management plan which includes healthy eating habits and regular exercise. Orlistat users should also monitor their vitamin intake and supplement with multivitamins to make sure they get enough vitamins.

Orlistat: How do I get started?

Orlistat can be obtained by a prescription only from your doctor. It is essential to consult a doctor before starting Orlistat to learn about the risks and potential benefits. You should also discuss with your healthcare provider any lifestyle changes that might be required to get the results you want. Discuss any vitamin deficiency or other conditions which could be affected when taking Orlistat.

It is very important that you follow all instructions given by your doctor. One 120mg capsule is recommended three times daily with every main meal that contains fat. To avoid missing doses, it is essential to take your medication every day at the same time.


Orlistat helps people to lose weight. The medication works by blocking an enzyme in the intestinal tract that breaks down fat. This reduces the amount of fat absorption from food. Orlistat has been shown to be an effective weight loss aid, and also provides other benefits like lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes or improving cholesterol. Orlistat can have side effects, and it's important to talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks before beginning a treatment. Orlistat is an effective weight-loss tool when used under proper supervision.
