What is Hydrocortisone?

The adrenal gland produces hydrocortisone, a corticosteroid that helps to reduce stress. Cortisol is another name for it. It has many uses in medicine from treating skin problems to treating inflammation.

Cortisol, a hormone, helps regulate metabolism, the immune system and many other body functions. When a person experiences physical or mental stress, cortisol is released in the bloodstream. It helps prepare the body to take action. Cortisol is produced in greater quantities than normal when a person suffers an illness or injury. It can be used to fight infection and inflammation.

Hydrocortisone, a synthesized version of cortisol is prescribed to treat various medical conditions. This medication is prescribed for a variety of medical conditions, including to treat skin disorders, reduce itching and inflammation. Also, it can be used for allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases. It Is available as an oral or topical form, and is sometimes combined with other drugs to give additional relief.

Hydrocortisone: Uses and Benefits

The use of hydrocortisone includes treating a variety of conditions including:

Hydrocortisone should not be used by everyone. It must only be administered under the guidance of a physician. Hydrocortisone should be avoided by people with medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. You should also tell your doctor before using hydrocortisone if you're pregnant or nursing.

Hydrocortisone: What are the benefits?

It is an anti-inflammatory drug that can reduce inflammation and swelling associated with many medical conditions. Hydrocortisone can help reduce the redness and itchiness associated with certain skin conditions, such as eczema or dermatitis. Hydrocortisone has been shown to help reduce asthma symptoms and allergies. It can also reduce the severity of auto-immune disorders.

In the form of lotions, creams and ointments hydrocortisone can be applied topically. The medication can be directly applied to the area affected, where it will reduce swelling and relieve itching. Hydrocortisone topical can treat many skin conditions including eczema and dermatitis.

Hydrocortisone Side Effects

Although hydrocortisone generally has a good tolerance, it can have some side effects. The side effects include:

These side effects tend to be mild, and they do not have any lasting damage. If any of these side effects persists or gets worse, you should contact your doctor.

Experts or professionals' opinions on Hydrocortisone

Experts generally agree that Hydrocortisone can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Doctors use it to relieve itchiness and inflammation associated with skin disorders. Hydrocortisone's side effects are mild, and it does not have any lasting damage.

Experts warn against prolonged use of hydrocortisone, which can cause skin thinning and hair growth. It is also not recommended for children as it may slow their growth. It is therefore important that you consult your doctor prior to starting treatment.

Hydrocortisone: How do I start?

Both oral and topically applied hydrocortisone are available. The type of medicine that is right for you will be determined by your doctor based on the individual requirements. Topical hydrocortisone can be applied to affected areas two to four time per day. Hydrocortisone should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Incorrect use can cause serious side effects.

Most pharmacies sell hydrocortisone over-the-counter. You should speak with your pharmacist to find out if there are any possible interactions between the hydrocortisone you take and other medicines. It is also important that you tell your doctor before using hydrocortisone if are breastfeeding or pregnant.


It is an anti-inflammatory drug that can treat many medical conditions. Available in oral and topically applied forms, it is used to treat skin disorders, reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Hydrocortisone, while generally well tolerated and safe, should be discussed with your doctor prior to starting treatment.
