What is Fosinopril?

Fosinopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor that is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Monopril, Monopril Plus and other brand names are available. It Is known in some countries as fosinopril or fosinopril chloride.

Fosinopril: Uses and Applications

Fosinopril lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Fosinopril works by blocking ACE which produces angiotensin-II. The hormone increases blood pressure by causing the arteries constrict. Fosinopril reduces blood pressure by blocking the action ACE. It also helps to lower the risk for complications like stroke, heart attacks, kidney disease, etc.

Fosinopril is also used for heart failure. It has been shown in studies that fosinopril can reduce heart failure symptoms, like fatigue and shortness of breathe, as well as improve tolerance to exercise. Fosinopril also reduces the chance of dying from heart failure.

Fosinopril: Benefits and side effects

Fosinopril's potential to reduce the risk of heart disease has been investigated. A number of studies have shown that fosinopril reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from cardiovascular diseases. Researchers have found that fosinopril reduces the chance of diabetes in diabetics and reduces the chances of kidney disease.

Fosinopril can also reduce your risk of getting certain cancers. Fosinopril has been shown to reduce the risks of colorectal and breast cancer. Fosinopril has been shown to reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer.

Fosinopril Side Effects

Fosinopril may cause nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and headaches. Rarely, fosinopril can have more severe side effects such as liver injury, allergy reactions and low blood tension. It is always important to consult your doctor prior to starting any new medication.

Fosinopril can interact with certain medications. Fosinopril may interact with other medications such as diuretics or non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). It can also interact with potassium and certain other supplements.

Fosinopril: Experts' opinions

Most experts agree that fosinopril can be an effective treatment of hypertension and heart disease. The drug is well tolerated, and it can offer long-term relief for these conditions. Experts warn that fosinopril should be taken exactly as prescribed and with awareness of possible side effects.

Fosinopril is also noted by experts as a possible way to reduce the risks of certain cancers. Further research will be needed to verify this benefit. Experts also recommend that you speak with your doctor about whether or not fosinopril will work for you.

Fosinopril: How To Get Started

It is vital to consult your doctor before taking fosinopril. You doctor can determine if fosinopril will work for you, and the dosage you need to take. The starting dose for fosinopril is usually 10 mg daily. However, your doctor will adjust the dose based on your needs.

Take fosinopril only as directed by your physician. You should not alter your dosage without first consulting your doctor. It is also important that you inform your doctor if any adverse effects occur while using fosinopril.

Fosinopril can be bought in the form of tablets at many pharmacies. You should speak to your pharmacist about how to correctly take this medication.

What are the side effects of a syringe?

Fosinopril can cause side effects. This includes but is not limited to nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and headache. It can also cause serious side effects such as low blood pressure, liver damage and allergic reactions. Before starting fosinopril, it is essential to consult your doctor.

Fosinopril may also interact with other medications or supplements. You should consult your physician or pharmacist prior to taking new supplements or medications while on fosinopril.


Fosinopril can be used to treat hypertension, heart failure and other conditions. Fosinopril can reduce your risk of developing certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. It is vital to consult your doctor prior to taking fosinopril, and follow the instructions exactly. It is also important to know about possible side effects, interactions and other medication and supplements.
