Buspar: What are its uses?

Buspar is also called Buspirone and it's a medication prescribed to treat Anxiety . Buspar belongs to a drug class called azapirone. It Is believed to affect the level of neurotransmitters within the brain. The drug is taken by mouth and approved for treatment of GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Buspar: Its Uses

Buspar's effects on depression and anxiety have been extensively studied. A study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that it is effective in reducing anxiety in GAD patients. A review of multiple studies also found that Buspar reduced anxiety symptoms better than placebo in patients with social anxiety disorder. Buspar is also used to treat off-label conditions like panic disorder, post-traumatic disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), and premenstrual disorder dysphoric disorder.

Buspar: What are the Benefits?

Buspar has been shown to have many benefits. These include: improving sleep, reducing restlessness and agitation feelings; decreasing anxiety symptoms. Some research has shown that Buspar can be used to treat depression in conjunction with antidepressants.

Buspar Side Effects

Buspar, like all other medications can have side effects. Some of these include: dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting; dryness in the mouth; constipation. blurred vision. difficulty concentrating. nervousness. irritability. restlessness. Other more serious effects include confusion, fainting, hallucinations and chest pain. It's vital to get medical help if any of these symptoms occur.

Buspar: Experts and professionals' opinions

Buspar is generally considered by experts to be an effective medication in treating anxiety disorders. Buspar should not be taken in place of therapy or lifestyle modifications. It is best used with them. Buspar is not recommended if you suffer from narrow-angle eye disease, liver or kidney problems, or have a drug addiction history. You should also consult your doctor before using Buspar if you're pregnant or nursing.

Buspar: How To Get Started

It is very important that you follow your doctor's instructions if you decide with your doctor that Buspar will be the right choice for you. Adults are usually prescribed 5 mg two times daily. Buspar is best taken with food in order to minimize the side effects. You should not take more than 30mg per day, as it could cause serious side effects. Buspar can interact with other drugs, so it is important to tell your doctor about any medications you may be taking.

What are the side effects to be aware of?

Buspar does have some side effects. Side effects include blurred vision and difficulty concentrating. They also include dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting. Some of the more serious side effects include hallucinations and confusion. Other symptoms may be chest pains, seizures, or irregular heartbeats. It is vital to get medical help immediately if any of these side effects occur. It is also important that you consult your doctor before using Buspar if pregnant or nursing.


Buspar, a medication prescribed to treat anxiety, is available on prescription. Buspar has been extensively studied for its effects in anxiety and depression. It was found effective at reducing anxiety symptoms for people with GAD or SAD. Buspar has been shown to have many benefits. These include reducing anxiety, mood improvement, tension reduction, feelings of restlessness and agitation as well as improving sleep. Buspar should not be taken in place of therapy or lifestyle modifications. It is best used together with them. Buspar can interact with other drugs, so it's important to tell your doctor about any medications you take. It is vital to listen to your doctor's instructions and seek immediate medical care if you experience any side effects..