EZ Battery Reconditioning Review: Is it Safe? Does it Actually Work?

EZ Battery Reconditioning PDF

When batteries end up in a landfill, they can leach toxic, corrosive chemicals, such as mercury, lead and nickel into the soil and water, which endangers the environment, animals and human health. Unfortunately, only 5% of batteries are recycled properly, resulting in over 3 billion batteries in the trash each year, according to studies.

EZ Battery Reconditioning is an online program designed to cut down on the costs they spend on batteries by teaching them how to repair and restore all types. It’s a comprehensive system that teaches you everything there is to know about batteries, so you can safely and effectively start reusing them – even if they appear dead or broken. The program comes with simple, step-by-step instructions, 9 different manuals covering different battery types, battery testing methods, and so much more.

Keto Desserts Review: Is it Healthy and Safe? Should You Get It?

keto desserts pdf

Although fructose is commonly seen as the healthier alternative, new studies have found that it increases obesity, high cholesterol, gout, diabetes, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease which affects up to one-third of Americans.

Keto Desserts is an online program that teaches you how to enjoy all of your favourite baked goods without subjecting yourself to the harmful effects of fructose and other ingredients commonly found in treats. It comes with a digital cookbook filled with a plethora of fructose-free recipes for curbing all of your cravings the healthy way. You’re also provided with a ton of helpful baking tips and step-by-step instructions for everything from cupcakes to cakes, frosting, and more.

Your Guide to Gluten-Sensitivity

about gluten-sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity affects approximately 6% of Americans, whereas celiac disease affects only 1%. While both can present uncomfortable and even serious symptoms, following a gluten-free diet can provide great relief. Here are the changes you’ll want to make to start seeing a major improvement in the way you feel.

The Ultimate Guide to Calorie Counting the Right Way

guide to calorie counting

The number one rule to losing weight is to create a calorie deficit where you consume fewer calories than your body burns. It’s as simple as that. Unfortunately, the whole process of creating a calorie deficit isn’t always as easy as it seems and there are some common mistakes that can quickly derail success. This is particularly true if you have no idea how many calories you consume or burn each day. Calorie counting is an effective way to tackle this problem. It is commonly used to aid with weight loss and is scientifically proven to work. In this article, we have you covered, explaining everything you need to know about counting calories to make it work for you.

Backyard Revolution Review: Does the Device Work? Is it For Real

Backyard Revolution PDF

Electricity is the most expensive bill most homeowners have, according to studies and it just keeps getting more costly each year with an average inflation rate of 1.58% per year. Unfortunately, other sources of energy, like a residential 5kW solar panel system costs a total cost between $15,000 – $25,000 to install.

Backyard Revolution is an online program that teaches you an affordable way to decrease your electricity bill up to 65% by installing an affordable, DIY solar panel system. It’s a comprehensive system that is highly based on MIT research that has found the power of placing solar panels in a zigzag pattern to reduce the cost and space required. The program guides you through the entire process from start to finish, and comes with simplified steps, detailed descriptions, drawings, pictures, video tutorials, material and tool lists, helpful tips and much more.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review: Is it Safe? Side-Effects? Does it Work?

14 Day Rapid Soup Diet PDF

A congested lymphatic system may be the cause of your weight gain, especially if you’re a female over 50. According to studies, approximately 80% of women over the age of 50 have a congested lymphatic system forcing excess fat to be stored around the belly, hips and thighs but it can be cleared.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is an online program that teaches you a proven slimming soup detox regime that can help you burn off stubborn weight by providing your body with the nutrition needed to flush out the toxins hindering your weight loss. It’s a comprehensive program that provides you with all of the information, recipes, and food lists needed to start boosting your weight loss one-soup at a time.

The Psychobiotic Diet: What is it, The Benefits, and How To Get Started

guide to psychobiotic diet

Gut health has been directly linked to your cognitive and mental health. Research has even discovered that the gut microbiome can also contribute to the development of many health chronic diseases, including depression, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and even cancer. The good news is that you are in full control of your gut health and can quickly make improvements with a pyschobiotic diet.

All About Adaptogens and What They Can do For Your Health

everything about adaptogens

Stress affects everyone in different ways, with some people experiencing it worse than others. Recent studies found that 33% of people reported feeling extreme stress, 77% reported experiencing stress that affects their physical health and 73% reported stress that impacts their mental health. But what you may not know is that including adaptogens in your daily diet can decrease your sensitivity to stressors and improve your overall health and wellness.

The Diabetes Fix Review: What’s the Approach and ‘Fix’? Does it Work?

The Diabetes Fix PDF

With the average cost of type 2 diabetes treatments costing more than $5000 every month, many more people are seeking the natural alternative to effectively treat their symptoms and manage their condition and all it takes is making a few positive changes to your diet and lifestyle.

The Diabetes Fix is an online program that provides you with a two-part healing regime that teaches you how to heal and reverse your type 2 diabetes naturally by getting a series of superfoods into your diet that can effectively unclog your arteries and get your pancreas functioning properly again. It’s a two-part program that provides you with some simple steps, an abundance of valuable information, nutritional guides, superfood lists, meal plans, recipes, pre-made grocery shopping lists, exercises, and so much more.