Plant-Based Protein: Where to Find & How to Optimize

vegan protein sources 101

If you’ve been thinking about switching to plant-based diets, you’ve likely wondered where you’ll get all of your protein from. Proteins are undeniably essential for your health and wellbeing and the thought of not getting enough may be intimidating. After all, they support the body’s needs for creating cells and tissues, support healthy bones, and … Read more

Bone Broth Basics: Health Boosts, Getting Started & Pro Tips

bone broth 101

Bone broth isn’t just a secret weapon for healing when you’ve come down with a cold or flu. This soothing liquid, created by slowly simmering animal bones and connective tissues, offer a plethora of health benefits. From being rich in collagen for youthful skin and joint health and being packed with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that fortify your bones to having an abundance of amino acids like glycine and proline for optimal digestive health, reducing inflammation and promoting a happy gut, bone broth can do so much more than simply soothe a sore throat.

Okinawa Diet 101: Unlocking Health Benefits & Starting Tips

the okinawa diet 101

Okinawa, Japan is a place where vibrant health and extended lifespans are the norm. The Okinawa diet is inspired by the islanders’ lifestyle which emphasizes nutrient-rich vegetables and lean proteins while minimizing saturated fats and processed foods. This style of eating has shown to offer a plethora of potential benefits ranging from longevity to increased overall wellbeing in all aspects of your health. So, if you’re looking to improve your health and lifestyle, it’s time to take your pallet on a trip to Japan.

Dietary Fats: Types and Tips for a Healthier Diet

dietary fats 101

Saturated fats should only make up 5-6% of your daily calories, according to the American Heart Association. This is because, like trans fats, saturated fats have been directly linked to causing serious health risks, such as heart disease, obesity and strokes. But your body also needs a sufficient amount of fat (healthy types) to function properly. The good news: a few simple changes in your diet and you can easily swap out the bad for the good.

The Power of Biotin: Benefits and Sources

biotin 101

A deficiency in biotin may be rare, but the symptoms of not getting enough biotin certainly aren’t. From brittle nails and split ends to an increased risk for heart health concerns, a lack of biotin can affect your physical appearance, mental health and overall wellness. The good news: increasing your intake is easy with a few simple adjustments to your diet and personal care products.

The Vital Role of Minerals in Maintaining Optimal Health: An Overview

mineral supplement 101

In order to maintain good health, you need a sufficient amount of minerals in your diet as they play a crucial role in various bodily functions. They’re essential for supporting your bones, muscles, heart, and brain, the production of enzymes and hormones, converting food into energy and so much more. Unfortunately, a staggering 92 percent of the population is deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral but the good news is: you can easily increase your intake of essential minerals with a few simple changes.

The 101 on Carb Cycling and How To Use It To Achieve Your Goals

carb cycling 101

Carb cycling, alternating between low carb and high carb days, can be an effective way to increase your fat loss, boost athletic performance, manage symptoms of several health conditions and much more, according to studies. The best part: this simple dietary strategy allows you to enjoy the foods you love and see the results you want. No calorie counting or major restrictions needed. Well, at least not on the high carb days!

Artificial Flavouring: What You Need to Know About Its Impact on Your Health

artificial flavouring 101

There are more than 1000 chemically defined artificial flavor compounds in the United States that are used in all kinds of foods and beverages to enhance the taste. While they’re virtually impossible to avoid since they’re in everything, there are many things you can do to ensure you’re getting as many natural flavors as you can with every bite or sip you take.

Vitamins 101: Understanding Their Role in Your Health and Well-Being

vitamins 101

Almost the entire U.S. population (92%) suffers from at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency. Not only can this cause some pretty debilitating symptoms, such as fatigue, dizziness, an irregular heartbeat and muscle weakness, but it can also cause severe complications, including the risk of chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The good news: it’s easy to increase your intake to get all of the vitamins you need for your health to thrive.

Vegetarianism and Veganism: How They Can Improve Your Health

vegan vegetarian 101

Vegan and vegetarian diets are very similar but there is a major difference between the two that can make all the difference when deciding which one is best for you. Fortunately, both diets have shown to have an abundance of benefits, such as increased weight loss, a reduced risk of several diseases, including cancer, and better management of current health conditions.