Hypnotherapy: Types, Benefits & Essential Tips for Beginners

hypnotherapy 101

Hypnotherapy may seem ‘woo-woo’ to some, but it’s a therapeutic practice that has been proven to be effective for managing and treating a vast array of health concerns and conditions. Whether you’re looking to quit smoking, build self-confidence, lose weight or address a health concern, entering this deep trance-like state can be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Understanding Anxiety: Types, Causes, Treatments & Natural Remedies

anxiety 101

Anxiety disorders are becoming more and more common, with approximately 40 million adults experiencing some form of anxiety disorder in the United States. Children and teenagers are also suffering immensely from this debilitating mental illness. The good news: there are many treatments out there and simple changes you can make to significantly improve your mental health and start tackling those dreadful symptoms and get back to living the life you want, without having all of the “what if’s” take over.

Guide to Breathing Exercises: Types, Benefits, and Tips

breathing exercises 101

Breathing exercises are a simple yet powerful way to improve your physical and mental health. From stress and anxiety relief to lower blood pressure, increased energy levels, improved heart and lung health and so much more, taking a few conscious breaths each day can have a significant impact on your overall health and wellness.

The Road to Sobriety: Steps to Quit Alcohol Addiction

alcoholism 101

In the United States, it’s estimated that about 15 million people struggle with alcoholism. Shockingly, less than 10% of them receive any form of treatment. Unfortunately, excessive alcohol consumption can have significant negative effects on the body, from damaging your liver and bones to increasing the risk of cancer and disease. The good news: taking steps to reduce alcohol intake can help counter these risks while also providing you with numerous health benefits, such as improved mood, better sleep, and a decreased risk of alcohol-related illnesses.

Conquering Brain Fog: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

brain fog 101

Almost everyone will experience brain fog several times throughout their lifetime. Although not a medical condition, it can be a symptom of various underlying issues, such as sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, depression, hormonal changes and medication side effects. The good news: short-term strategies like taking regular breaks, tracking daily activities, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities combined with healthy lifestyle habits can help manage brain fog.

Antidepressants 101: A Comprehensive Guide with Natural Alternatives

antidepressants 101

Antidepressants can be an effective way to combat depression symptoms and improve your mood and emotions. They work by increasing important brain chemicals, such as serotonin and noadrenaline. However, medications aren’t for everyone and there are a variety of natural remedies that can be just as effective for treating depression; they also have the added benefit of no side effects.

Overthinking: How to Take Control and Conquer Your Thoughts

stop overthinking 101

Overthinking is not a mental illness in itself but it is a common symptom for a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addiction. It is also commonly experienced by those struggling with chronic pain and other chronic illnesses. But everyone can relate to overthinking once in a while and it can be debilitating on your health and overall quality of life. In this article, you’ll find effective ways to tackle rumination to break free of those worrying thoughts.

Easy Ways to Maintain Optimal Brain Health

brain health

Two out of three Americans have some level of cognitive impairment by the age of 70, according to studies. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent cognitive decline and keep your brain sharp while also improving your overall quality of life. Whether it’s reading a book, completing puzzles, taking a dance class or visualizing winning lottery numbers, protecting your brain has never been easier.

Is Meditation Really All It’s Chalked Up To Be?

meditation 101

Regular meditation can reduce the risk of being hospitalized for coronary disease by 87%, according to new studies. It also has the power to improve anxiety, reduce insomnia symptoms, relieve back pain issues, decrease depression and boost your overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellness.