Plant-Based Protein: Where to Find & How to Optimize

vegan protein sources 101

If you’ve been thinking about switching to plant-based diets, you’ve likely wondered where you’ll get all of your protein from. Proteins are undeniably essential for your health and wellbeing and the thought of not getting enough may be intimidating. After all, they support the body’s needs for creating cells and tissues, support healthy bones, and … Read more

Hyperbolic Stretching Review: What Is It Like? Is It Good?

Hyperbolic Stretching PDF

Achieving maximum flexibility can be challenging. In fact, even professional athletes find it difficult to reach their full flexibility potential, according to studies. Unfortunately, by not tapping into your full flexibility, you aren’t experiencing your full performance either.

Hyperbolic Stretching is an online follow-along program dedicated to helping people achieve maximum flexibility using strategic stretches, so they can unlock their full potential for maximum performance. The program guides you through a series of ancient stretching techniques and methods designed to only strengthen and tone your body but also help you surpass your body’s natural limits: the reciprocal muscle inhibition. The system comes with everything you need to learn and implement the process, including detailed stretching routines, clear step-by-step instructions, expert training tips, flexibility assessments, and maintenance routines.

Female Vitality Protocol Review: A Walkthrough of the Program’s Contents

Female Vitality Blueprint PDF

According to research from the National Institutes of Health, about 24% of women in the United States face one or more pelvic floor disorders, making it much more common than many of us realize.

Female Vitality Protocol is an online program that teaches women how to repair and strengthen their pelvic floor and vaginal muscles to eliminate symptoms associated with weakened muscles and to spark up sexual satisfaction! This holistic approach aims is your go-to guide for improving your feminine health that starts with healing from within. It comes with all kinds of valuable advice and information, helpful guides, at-home diagnosis quizzes, progress tracking charts, follow-along videos, movement descriptions, audio tracks, and much more. And it can all be done right from home.

Pelvic Floor Strong System Review: Will it Work? Let’s Find Out!

Pelvic Floor Strong System PDF

A weakened pelvic floor can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, like urine incontinence, a decrease in sexual desire, and a lack of sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, they’re fairly common for women, with approximately 24% experiencing at least one pelvic floor disorder.

Pelvic Floor Strong System is an online program designed exclusively for women seeking natural and permanent solutions to treat pelvic floor issues and the symptoms that come with them. It’s a comprehensive system that guides you through the process of healing, strengthening, and revitalizing your pelvic floor muscles right at home using a series of specific therapeutic movements. It comes with step-by-step video tutorials, virtual guides, diagrams, photos, and checklists to support you along the way towards a stronger pelvic floor muscles.

The Neuro-Balance Therapy Review: Is it Good? Should You Get it?

The Neuro-Balance Therapy PDF

Falling due to mobility issues can lead to more than just minor injuries. Research has revealed that approximately 1 in 3 individuals aged 65 and above face fatal consequences from a fall. What’s even more alarming is that 1 in 4 older adults experience a fall each year in the United States, contributing to over 32,000 tragic deaths annually.

The Neuro-Balance Therapy is an online program that teaches you a series of therapeutic exercises designed to strengthen and increase your balance to reduce the risk of future falls and potential injuries. It offers you a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses mobility issues at the core, and that can be done right from the comfort of your own home in 10 to 15 minutes. It comes with a step-by-step handbook, an exercise guidebook, workout schedule charts, examples, and additional resources to guide you through the process.

Bone Broth Basics: Health Boosts, Getting Started & Pro Tips

bone broth 101

Bone broth isn’t just a secret weapon for healing when you’ve come down with a cold or flu. This soothing liquid, created by slowly simmering animal bones and connective tissues, offer a plethora of health benefits. From being rich in collagen for youthful skin and joint health and being packed with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that fortify your bones to having an abundance of amino acids like glycine and proline for optimal digestive health, reducing inflammation and promoting a happy gut, bone broth can do so much more than simply soothe a sore throat.

Okinawa Diet 101: Unlocking Health Benefits & Starting Tips

the okinawa diet 101

Okinawa, Japan is a place where vibrant health and extended lifespans are the norm. The Okinawa diet is inspired by the islanders’ lifestyle which emphasizes nutrient-rich vegetables and lean proteins while minimizing saturated fats and processed foods. This style of eating has shown to offer a plethora of potential benefits ranging from longevity to increased overall wellbeing in all aspects of your health. So, if you’re looking to improve your health and lifestyle, it’s time to take your pallet on a trip to Japan.

The Blood Type Diet Explained – Benefits, Getting Started, And Tips

the blood type diet 101

The Blood Type Diet is a unique eating plan that selects food recommendations for you based exclusively on your blood type. This means that if you’re dealing with a chronic condition like diabetes, your dietary advice might involve consuming more high-protein foods, whereas someone with the same condition but a different blood type and diabetes might need to exclude dairy or chicken from their diet. The concept is rooted in the idea that your body’s reaction to food is connected to your blood type. By consuming foods based on your specific blood type developed you can achieve optimal health while also decreasing your risk of developing chronic health conditions.

Water Weight 101: The Causes, Treatment, and Natural Remedies

water weight 101

Water makes up for 60% of the human body, playing a significant role in keeping your cells healthy, regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, lubricating joints and removing waste from the body. And too much water retention can cause your weight to go up quite a bit. This occurs when the body decides to hold onto extra water in different tissues. And guess what? This can be because our body’s having a little trouble getting rid of that fluid, throwing things out of balance. The good news: a few simple steps and you can reduce your water weight and restore balance in your body naturally.

Hyperhidrosis: Causes, Modern Treatments & Natural Remedies

Hyperhidrosis 101

Hyperhidrosis could be the culprit behind your constantly-sweaty palms, wet underarms, forehead and well, many other places – if you catch our drift. It’s a is a common condition in that causes a person to sweat excessively and it can be quite uncomfortable on a physical and social level. Fortunately, there are natural treatment and regimes you can use to keep the sweat down to a reasonable amount, so you can finally stop worrying about unpredictable and excessive sweat.