Hypnotherapy: Types, Benefits & Essential Tips for Beginners

When you think of hypnotherapy, you may think of some guy turning you into a chicken on a stage in front of crowd of people but the reality is, hypnotherapy goes much deeper than that.  It’s a therapeutic practice that uses hypnosis, the same process to turn someone into a chicken, to heal a variety of ailments and health conditions. From reducing anxiety to quitting cigarettes, hypnotherapy offers a unique form of treatment that is 100% natural. So, close your eyes, take a deep breath and cluck like a chicken – just kidding. In this article, we cover everything there is to know about hypnotherapy so you can start harnessing the vast array of benefits of hypnotherapy cover all kinds of physical, emotional and mental struggles. And hey, if you want to turn into a chicken, that’s always an option too.

hypnotherapy info

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic method that uses the power of hypnosis to help people address specific symptoms or health issues that they’re dealing with. It works by inducing a hypnotic state that brings heightened awareness, allowing the individual to detach from their physical surroundings to focus on their inner experiences. While in this state, a hypnotherapist guides you through the trance-like state, using verbal repetition and mental images to help you focus on the problem or your goals. 

This therapeutic technique dates back to the late 1700s, and has since been highly researched and supported by science and evidence. Various studies have found that hypnotherapy offers promising results in dealing with all kinds of ailments – from chronic pain to weight loss, smoking, anxiety, depression and many more.  And it all comes down to the power of the subconscious mind. With hypnotherapy and being in a receptive, relaxed state of mind, you are able to get the conscious mind out of the way so you can get deeper into your being.

Hypnotherapy can certainly be used on its own – and even at home – but it is often incorporated into a treatment plan that uses other tools and remedies to treat the issue at hand.

Techniques Used with Hypnotherapy

To fully understand what hypnotherapy is, it helps to know what a typical session entails. During a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist guides you towards reaching the hypnotic, trance-like state mentioned above. Being in this state allows for deep relaxation and heightened awareness, making you more receptive to the suggestions and techniques during the session. While the process may vary from hypnotherapist to hypnotherapist, or depending on the positive changes or goals you wish to achieve, hypnotherapy often uses a variety of techniques. Many of these proven methods come directly from neuroscience. They put your brain in a theta brain wave frequency, which allows you to bypass parts of your mind that are resisting the changes you wish to make.

Some of the proven techniques that may be used during a session include:

  • Suggestion: The hypnotherapist gently offers suggestions for any changes you wish or should make in your behavior to overcome the issue at hand and achieve your goal. For example, if you’re using hypnotherapy to reduce anxiety, the hypnotherapist may suggest releasing your fears or to see yourself as the strong, anxiety-free person you wish to become even in the face of your phobias, so you can build trust in yourself and gain confidence in your ability to navigate such situations. Suggestions may be verbal, nonverbal and made with gestures or intraverbal and made with a voice modulation.
  • Relaxation: The hypnotherapist may use a variety of relaxation techniques, such as visualization and meditation, to guide you into a state of deep relaxation. These techniques are commonly used well throughout the session to help you remain in this deep state of calm while addressing your health concerns or fears.
  • Coping skills: Hypnotherapy sessions are often deeply rooted in cognitive-behavioral coping skills, such as guided imagery, mindfulness and visualization. These techniques serve as powerful tools for managing any negative emotions that may come up during the session. For example, if the thought of quitting smoking gives you intense anxiety, the therapist will use these coping skills to guide you through those feelings so you can continue to confront them with confidence.
  • Regression: Depending on what you are hoping to get out of your hypnotherapy sessions, the hypnotherapist may encourage you to go back in time and think about specific situations from your past that are linked to the behavior or issue you’re trying to deal with. This allows you to find the root cause, so you can start healing the problem from the beginning.
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming: This technique is a psychological approach that uses hypnotic strategies without you being in a formal hypnotic trance. It’s sometimes used in busy places or areas where you are triggered, to help rewire your brain using images, sounds and feelings in that place to recreate a new experience.

Now, you can also do hypnotherapy without the use of a professional. There are many self-hypnosis programs and audio tracks online, created by professional hypnotherapist, so people can harness the benefits of hypnotherapy at home. These sessions may or may not use the techniques mentioned, as you are doing the session on your own. So, the process might be slightly different to allow you to put yourself in a state of hypnosis vs. being guided through it with in-person sessions.

The Powerful Benefits of Hypnotherapy

When it comes to hypnotherapy, there are very few things it can’t address. From healing emotional memories and mental health issues to addressing physical health concerns, bad habits and much more, this unique process offers a plethora of benefits.  Just do a quick search online for hypnosis audio tracks, formerly called primers, and you’ll see that there is one for everything you can think of.

Here are some of the most common thing hypnotherapy is used to address:

  • ADHD symptoms
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Behavior control issues, such as smoking cigarettes, bed wetting and overeating
  • Dementia symptoms
  • Fertility issues
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Hot flashes during menopause
  • Insomnia
  • Pain management (post-surgery, childbirth, cancer, burns, fibromyalgia, and headaches
  • Skin conditions, including psoriasis and warts
  • Side effects of cancer chemotherapy or radiation treatment, such as nausea and vomiting
  • Sleep issues, such as insomnia and sleepwalking
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD)
  • Stress
  • Weight loss

In addition to offering a natural and effective treatment for the issues mentioned above (and many more), there are also many benefits to using hypnotherapy over other forms of treatment. For example, using hypnotherapy is quite effortless, clinically-proven and designed to get to the root cause and subconscious mind to eradicate the problem from your life.

Unlike medications, hypnotherapy can also help you adapt a healthy lifestyle, healthier habits and a positive mindset while treating the issue at hand. So, you are able to tackle many things all at once and entirely naturally.

How to Use Hypnotherapy?

Finding a reputable hypnotherapist is the first step to using hypnotherapy, if you want to do it with a professional. You can do so by asking your doctor for a referral, asking for recommendations from trusted individuals such as your friends and loved ones or doing a search online.

It’s important to note that some hypnotherapists specialize in specific issues or areas of focus. So, you’ll want to make sure the therapist you choose has experience in dealing with the issues you wish to address.

Tips for Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is similar to hypnotherapy, only you’re doing the process on your own without the in-person guidance of a trained professional. It offers a unique opportunity to experience deep relaxation and enjoy the numerous physical and emotional benefits of hypnotherapy at home. However, not all self-hypnosis audio tracks are created equally. To ensure you get the most out of your experience, here are some things to consider and tips to execute.

Make Sure You’re Using Hypnotherapy

Not all types of self-hypnosis sessions fall within the hypnotherapy category.

In order for hypnosis to be “hypnotherapy”, it needs to be created by a trained therapist. Hypnotherapy is also designed to help you address issues in your life to improve your health and personal growth. In other words, a true hypnotherapy session isn’t going to get you to cluck like a chicken but certainly, you can find many self-hypnosis tracks online that will. So, if you are using guided audio tracks or programs online, it’s important to make sure they’ve been created by a trained hypnotherapist. This will also ensure you get the best experience, infused with professional techniques to deepen your relaxation and increase the effectiveness.

Create a Hypnotic Environment

Even with the best self-hypnosis audio track created by a leading hypnotherapist, it will be difficult to enter the relaxed state of mind needed for hypnosis in a chaotic environment. As such, it’s imperative to create a comfortable environment that promotes quiet, calm and relaxation. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a cozy corner that you use for hypnosis.
  • Wear loose, comfy clothes.
  • Dim the lights
  • Turn on calming music as you prep for the hypnosis.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Wear headphones as needed.
  • Enjoy some essential oils known to help induce relaxation.

Try Different Hypnotic Techniques

There’s a vast array of techniques available that will help you enter the trance-like state of hypnosis. Explore them. Try a new one every week. Write down your favourites and the ones that gave you the best results, and use those moving forward to get the most out of your self-hypnosis. Some techniques you may want to try are:

  • Deep breathing
  • Visualization
  • Imagery
  • Counting
  • Body scan
  • Fixing your gaze

Set An Intention

During your self-hypnosis journey, take a moment to reflect on your intention or wish, and express it in a positive and clear manner. For example, “I am calm” or “I am stopping smoking”. State your intention out loud or write it down and affirm it with conviction and belief. Your intention is the key to your self-hypnosis practice, allowing you to align your subconscious mind with your goals.

Engage All Of Your Senses

While under hypnosis, try to engage all of your senses — feel it, see it, hear it. Immersing yourself completely allows you to deepen your experience as you intensify the sensations, so you truly feel in that moment that you’re envisioning. For example. If you are visualizing a beach – feel the wind, smell the salt water, taste the salty air.

Try It Before Bed

When you’re in a state of hypnosis, you are essential in a theta brain wave frequency which is the stage slightly above sleep. So, practicing self-hypnosis before bed can be an excellent way to start using this therapeutic tool as you naturally drift into the desired state.

Learn How to Hypnotize Yourself

As you embark on your self-hypnosis journey, you will likely want to use guided hypnosis tracks created by professionals. However, as you become better and better at achieving that deep state of relaxation that allows for change to happen on a subconscious level, you may want to start trying to self-hypnosis without guidance. This can be incredibly beneficial, as you’ll be able to harness the benefits of hypnosis anytime and for anything you want, even when audio isn’t nearby or available.

Perfecting this practice can take some time; these tips will help:

  1. Find a comfortable, quiet place where you can relax and get comfortable.
  2. Relax using a hypnotic technique, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation.
  3. Introduce a suggestion.
  4. Repeat step 3 as needed.
  5. Return to your normal state of awareness.

The mind is a powerful thing and hypnotherapy is proof of that. This therapeutic practice allows you to dive deep into your subconscious mind and tackle the root cause of any issues you’re struggling with, be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.

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