Trying To Conceive: Tips and Natural Remedies

TTC tips

The majority of couples (84%) will conceive naturally when having sex every 2 or 3 days. However, approximately 1 in 7 couples will experience some difficulty. Fortunately, there are some incredibly effective tips that can increase your chances of conceiving naturally and without the help of expensive fertility treatments. 

When you make the decision to start a family, the excitement can make it hard to wait. The good news is that, depending on your age, there’s a 40% chance you’ll get pregnant within two months when having intercourse with your partner every 2 or 3 days. And while this really isn’t that long of a time to wait, it can seem like a lifetime when you’re counting down the days to becoming a mother. Or maybe you’ve already waited the two months – or longer –  and haven’t gotten the ‘positive’ pregnancy test you’ve been hoping to have received by now. There are many things you can do to boost fertility and conceive naturally and quickly.

Book an Appointment with your Gynecologist or Family Doctor

As you start trying to get pregnant, it’s important to book a trip to your gynecologist or family doctor for a preconception appointment. This will allow you to gather all of the important information needed to start planning for a healthy conception and pregnancy. Be sure to discuss any concerns, medications or pre-existing conditions you have that could affect your pregnancy so that you can implement the necessary changes as soon as possible.

Track your Fertility Windows

Tracking your ovulation can help you get pregnant quickly and naturally, as it allows you to see when your body is producing an egg to be fertilized. Fortunately, technology has made it exceptionally easy to do so. Many smartphones, such as iPhones, have a “health” app built right in the phone where you can track your menstrual cycle and fertility windows, when you’re sexually active, and a ton of additional information that can aid pregnancy. There are also many apps that offer the same thing.

This is one of the most important tips for conceiving naturally, as it allows you to know where the egg is and when ovulation happens so you can schedule your sexual activity accordingly. For example, once ovulation occurs, you have 12 to 24 hours before the egg starts to degrade. Sperm can survive in your reproductive system for up to five days, so you’ll want to know the ideal timeframe for intercourse. These apps make it easy.

Another way you can track your ovulation is by measuring your basal body temperature in the morning. You’ll need a super accurate thermometer to use this fertility awareness-based method and when there is an increase in your temperature, it may mean that ovulation has occurred.

You can also use predictor kits or ovulation tests, which detect a specific hormone that increases significantly right before you ovulate.

And if you’re super eager to get pregnant quickly and naturally, you may be intrigued to use all of these methods. While there’s no harm in doing so, you just need one thing to let you know when you’re ovulating. So, don’t feel pressured to buy into all of the tools, tests and devices.  

Start Taking Prenatal or Folate Supplements

Prenatal supplements aren’t something you typically think about until after you’re pregnant, but taking them before you’re pregnant can help to create an ideal environment for conception. Folic acid, found in prenatal supplements, is absolutely imperative for the neural tube formation of a baby and ensuring proper brain development. The neural tube can begin to form fairly quickly after conception, even before most people know they’re pregnant, so it’s a good idea to take a supplement when actively trying to get pregnant.

It’s recommended to get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid a day leading up to conception and for the first 12 weeks after conception. You may wish to speak with your doctor to get their recommendation on the best type of supplement.

Another way to increase your dose of folic acid is by eating more green leafy vegetables, beans and whole grains that contain folate.

Cut Out Bad Habits

Once you’ve made the decision to start a family, it’s a good idea to pull the plug and cut out any bad habits as soon as possible. Smoking cigarettes (or just being around second-hand smoke) can disrupt the functioning of your reproductive system and blood vessels, which will decrease your chances of getting pregnant.

Drinking alcohol is another habit you’ll want to kick for the time-being, especially if you drink frequently. Various studies have confirmed that heavy drinking makes it significantly more difficult to conceive.

Adapt a Healthy, Balanced Diet

If you were looking for a reason to finally cut out the excessive amount of sugar and processed foods commonly found in the Western diet, this is it. Eating a healthy, balanced diet leading up to pregnancy (and throughout) allows your body to have all of the nutrients it needs to grow a baby and for your baby to grow.

Taking prenatal supplements can certainly help you get the essential nutrients you and your future baby need, but you’ll still want to make some changes to improve your diet.

Some suggestions for eating a balanced diet for pregnancy are:

Exercise Regularly

This one goes without saying when trying to achieve anything health/body-related. Exercising regularly can help your body navigate the challenges, emotions and stress that may come with trying to get pregnant. It’s recommended to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise in each day five days of the week or 50 minutes three times a week. 

But remember, you can get too much of a good thing. Exercising too much can result in you not ovulating.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Your weight can play a big role in conception. If you’re overweight, you may experience difficulties getting pregnant as excess weight can interfere with ovulation. If you’re underweight, your body’s fat levels may be too low, interfering with crucial hormonal changes. So, if you’re struggling with getting pregnant or want to get pregnant quickly and naturally, combine a healthy diet with regular exercise to meet your weight goals.

Stay Laying Down after Intercourse

You don’t have to put your legs above your head or do a handstand, but staying in bed after intercourse can help the sperm get to the cervix. Aim to lay in bed for 10 to 15 minutes and avoid going to the bathroom during this time as well.

Skip the Hot Tub

This one goes for your man! Studies have found that exposure to hot tubs, hot baths and saunas (or anything that heats the testes) can affect fertility by reducing a man’s sperm count. And when trying to get pregnant, you want as many working sperms as you can get for the best possible outcome.

Take Time to De-stress

Now is the perfect time to book that massage, spa date or acupuncture appointment. Reducing stress can increase your chances of becoming pregnant. This is especially important if you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, as both conditions have been shown to prolong the time needed to conceive.

At the very least, practicing some self-care and stress relief will put you in a better state of mind, which will have a positive impact on all aspects of your health.

Lay Off the Lube

Lube isn’t always a good thing, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant. Researchers found that sperm is more likely to die before reaching the egg when lube is used. So, lay off the lube for the time being or opt for sperm-friendly alternatives.

Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned and it can take longer to get pregnant. Don’t let those negative pregnancy tests discourage you. 84% of people are able to get pregnant naturally when having intercourse every 2 or 3 days, according to studies. However, if you think that you or your partner are experiencing some fertility issues, don’t wait on speaking with a doctor either. Being pro-active, whether it’s seeking medical attention or implementing these tips before pregnancy, can make all of the difference.

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