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1919 In July of 1919, Mrs. Albert D. Adams called a meeting in the Supervisor's Office, Lyons Township Hall, La Grange, for the purpose of considering the need of a health center and child welfare station in La Grange.
1921 Marian Jean MacLoed was engaged and would serve until 1944, as the first community nurse and began her work in LaGrange, in a small office in H. P. Smith's Drug Store on the corner of Hillgrove and Stone Avenues. This was the beginning of the Well Baby Clinic and MacLoed conducted weekly clinics with the assistance of Dr. Gardiner, a volunteer physician.
1922 Requests were sent out for toys and clothing suitable to give out at Christmas. There was a wonderful response and these were distributed to low-income families in the area. This became an annual custom until 1943 when the program was discontinued and later reestablished as Secret Santa in 1988. Tuberculoses Clinic was established Immunizations against diphtheria were provided for children at Cossitt, Congress Park, Ogden and St. Francis Xavier Schools Community Nurse worked to have milk distributed in schools

The agency began a recreation project.
A craft club was started which offered some child care

1925 Moved offices into the basement of the Library


Put in charge of the Christmas Seals sales in the village of LaGrange
The agency had a dental chair installed in the local school and free dental services were provided to school children

1927 Schick tests and Mantoux tests were given to children attending Cossitt, Congress Park, Ogden and St. Francis Xavier Schools
1928 The agency inherited the Community Shop, became a successful fundraiser for the agency. Community Nurse and Service Association amended the Bylaws of the agency to include the operation of the shop. The Community Shop would later become the Thrift Shop and finally the Carousel Shop

The Association was incorporated as a private, not for profit health and welfare corporation on August 7, 1930. The mission of the agency was to provide health care and other services to benefit residents of the area regardless of their ability to pay.
Began making small loans to low-income individuals and their families for rent, eye glasses and other basic needs


Initiated a child care program
Established a relief committee
Helped to establish an employment bureau that gave “varied civic betterment jobs to over 300 men”


Food and other financial assistance was provided through the Welfare Program during the depression.

Given an award for the most Christmas Seals sold in the country


In January 1933, the agency began a letter writing campaign to urge legislators to pass a bill for compulsory use of silver nitrate in the eyes of new born babies

Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare took over the relief work of the Association and the Social Worker was transferred to that organization, however, relief work continued on a case-by-case basis


Received Community Chest funding

Stopped Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets because other organizations and churches had taken over the activity


Opened a recreation program in the Methodist Church on La Grange's east side

A summer recreation program was also started


The Episcopal Church donated their old Parish House to Community Nurse who moved the building to the East side of LaGrange to establish the East Side Community Center

A Day Care Center was started to care for children of working mothers


Community Nurse circulated a petition to have the Village of LaGrange levy a recreation tax

The Recreation Tax was implemented and funded the agency's recreation programs


CNSA paid a doctor for the first time

Lobbied the LaGrange Village Board to pass an ordinance to prohibit dogs from stores

The revenue generated from the Recreation Tax resulted in the creation of the La Grange Playground and Recreation Commission and Community Nurse turned all their recreation programs over to this commission


The practice of giving Christmas gifts to low-income families was discontinued

The Handicraft Club was discontinued


Bought the building at 117 West Calendar Avenue

The Thrift Shop was moved to 117 West Calendar


The first building was owned in full


The Golden Agers Club is started to serve senior citizens who resided in the Association's service area.


Serves as the clearing house for any emergency in the area
Serves as the clearing house for all welfare work in the community
Visiting nurse expands home visits


The LaGrange Women's Club initiated the Dental Clinic at Community Nurse, serving low-income children through sixteen years to age. A volunteer dentist and volunteers from the LaGrange Women's Club staffed the clinic.
Thrift Shop and other services moved to 27 W. Calendar


The building was paid off in full


• The daycare program was changed to include Early Childhood Education


Expansion of the Day Car Program opened in the First Congregational Church of La Grange serving 3-5 year olds.
50th Anniversary Celebration


Programs include: Daycare Center, Dental Clinic, Golden Age Club, bedside nursing and Well-Baby Clinic, welfare and the Thrift Shop


Well Baby Clinic was expanded to include sick children


Hired a physical therapist and a speech therapist
Purchased the LaGrange Medical Building at Sixth and Harris for further expansion


The Golden Agers Club was discontinued after 25 years of operation, when the Southwest Suburban Center on Aging was established
The Medical Advisory Committee was formed and reviewed and revised the agency's established medical practices and procedures effecting clinic operations
The personnel committee established personnel policies and job descriptions


The first Professional Director was hired in June of 1979
The Medical Advisory Committee became the Professional Advisory Committee and conducted a Utilization Review of 10% of the agency's client charts


Home Health Department became Medicare certified.


There was a fire in the building at 24 Calendar Court on December 28, 1981, and the organization was temporarily housed in the LaGrange Bank and Trust
The Pediatric Clinic and the Dental Clinic were closed because of the fire


Pediatric Clinic reopened in the LaGrange town hall
The Thrift Shop Opened at 13 Calendar Avenue


Renovations are complete at 27 Calendar Avenue
A pediatrician is added to the staff and the Women, Infants and Children's program was reinstated after a lapse of almost a year
Day Care Center ceased operation as new day care centers opened in the area and the need for daycare was met. When the Day Care Center closed, funds are transferred to the Dental Clinic
The Dental Clinic is reopened on 5/4/83 with four dentists providing expanded services to young adults as well as children


Mortgage on Calendar Mall Building was paid off in September 1984


A private pay Homemaker Program was started
Pediatric and Dental Clinics expanded
Service Area expanded to include Brookfield
Dental Assistant hired


The Dental Clinic was expanded to serve adults. Procedures were expanded to include root canal, bridges, crowns, and dentures
The Secret Santa program began


The building at 47 South Sixth Avenue was sold
The building at 110 Calendar Court was purchased for $110,000


The Building at 27 Calendar Court was purchased for $62,000
The Adolescent Center was opened


A Primary Care Center for Adults was opened
The building at 23 Calendar was purchased for $320,000 and renovations were completed


Oral Surgery was added to the Dental Clinic
The Thrift Shop was renovated and relocated
Low-cost Flu Shot Program was initiated
A Medical Social Worker was added to the Home Health Department

1994 The Auxiliary was formed

1996 The name was changed from La Grange Community Nurse and Service Association to Community Nurse Health Association

1997 Administrative offices moved from Building 27 to the renovated Building 23

1998 Home Health Department closed due to a lack of funding

2000 Paid off Building at 23 Calendar Court

2002 The Dental Clinic was expanded and the clinics were made accessible with the addition of an elevator to the dental and pediatric clinics

2003 Healthy Beginnings prenatal care program is instituted

2009 The Healthcare Network of the Western Suburbs is launched to provide a continuum of care in partnerships with other local healthcare organizations, to low-income, uninsured adults

2011 90th Anniversary celebration is held